Failure to discharge. A discussion of the insufficient legal recourse afforded to judgment debtors in the South African context

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Van der Merwe, S. J. H.
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Faculty of Law, University of the Free State
English: University Legal Aid Clinics are often confronted with aspects of the law which are quite alien to those faced by our colleagues in private practice. One such area is that of assisting judgment debtors who have fallen afoul of disreputable and often immoral money lenders and other judgment creditors. These creditors unilaterally charge exuberant and unlawful fees for interest and 'legal' costs, where amounts are simply added to the judgments ex post facto. The issue of discharge then becomes hugely problematic as the courts do not mero motu step in to cancel emoluments attachment orders and other tools of collection employed by these creditors. It is argued that the South African legal system, including legislation in this regard, lends insufficient protection and recourse to indigent legal aid clients faced with this situation.
Afrikaans: Universiteit regshulpklinieke word dikwels blootgestel aan aspekte van die reg waarmee ons kollegas in die privaat praktyk nie gekonfronteer word nie. Een van hierdie areas is die bystand wat verleen moet word aan vonnisskuldenaars wat ingeloop word deur ongure en immorele gelduitleners en ander skuldeisers. Hierdie skuldeisers hef eensydiglik kwistige en onwettige fooie vir rente en 'regskoste', welke bedrae eenvoudig ex post facto by die vonnis gevoeg word. Die kwessie van ontslag raak dan uiters problematies aangesien die howe nie mero motu intree om besoldigingsbeslagbevele en ander invorderingsmetodes van die skuldeisers te kanselleer nie. Dit word geargumenteer dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regsisteem en wetgewing wat hiervoor voorsien, onvoldoende beskerming en regsmiddele bied aan armlastige regshulpbehoewende kliente wat voor hierdie situasie te staan kom.
University Legal Aid Clinics, Judgment debtors, Legal aid clients, Judgment creditors
Van der Merwe, S. J. H. (2008). Failure to discharge. A discussion of the insufficient legal recourse afforded to judgment debtors in the South African context. Journal for Juridical Science, Special Issues, 71-86.