Humanising research: the cares that drive researchers

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Hurst, Adrea
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University of the Free State
English: This article reflects on the provenance of “research” in Heideggerian “care,” and the nature of care as a complex of “cares” (interests/passions). We become researchers because care (concern for the future) fundamentally characterises our being. While care ensures that research becomes a never-ending “hermeneutic circle,” this only compromises research results if we remain unaware of its nature and uncritical of its effects. To specify its nature I identify particular cares (interests/passions) by means of Habermas’ account of the technical, practical/ethical, and emancipatory interests motivating research. Using Lacanian psychoanalytical theory I then map the multiple conflicting notions within each area of interest in terms of three future-orientated passions: “nihilism”, “narcissism” and “altruism”. The aim of this synthesis is an adequately complex framework for reflecting on our research passion.
Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel gee aandag aan die oorsprong van “navorsing” in Heideggeriaanse “sorg” as ’n kompleks van “sorge” (interesse/passies). Ons word navorsers omdat sorg (besorgdheid oor die toekoms) ons synswyse grondliggend bepaal. Terwyl sorg verseker dat navorsing ’n nimmereindigende “hermeneutiese sirkel” word, kompromiteer dit navorsingsresultate slegs as ons onbewus van, en onkrities oor die aard van “sorg” bly. Meer spesifiek identifiseer ek besondere sorge (interesse/passies) via Habermas se weergawe van die tegniese, praktiese/etiese, en emansipatoriese interesse wat navorsing motiveer. Met behulp van Lacaniaanse psigoanalitiese teorie artikuleer ek vervolgens die veelvuldige botsende begrippe binne elke belangesfeer aan die hand van drie toekomsgerigte passies: “nihilisme”, “narcisme”, en “altruïsme”. Die doel van hierdie sintese is ’n genoegsaam komplekse raamwerk vir refleksie oor die menslike passie vir navorsing.
Research, Research passion, Heidegger
Hurst, A. (2008). Humanising research: the cares that drive researchers. Acta Academica, 40(3), 1-34.