Aspekte van Fisher se narratiewe teorie as vertrekpunt vir 'n retoriese kritiekbenadering tot die De La Rey-liriek?
Terblanche, Lydie
Terblanche, F. H.
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Department of Communication Science, University of the Free State
In this discussion, it is pointed out that Bok van Blerk’s song, De la Rey has had an
unusual impact on a large number of South Africans. It unleashed a fierce debate in the
media in which interested parties offered divergent explanations in sometimes
reasonable and sometimes malicious ways for the reasons why De la Rey grabbed and
fascinated people. Against the background of the turbulence in the De la Rey debate,
one may ask, from the perspective of the science of persuasive communication, about
the reasons that contribute to the fact that the De la Rey lyric has such an enormous
power of persuasion. Seeing that Fisher (1987) has addressed the role of both logical
reason and value-laden good reasons in his narrative paradigm theory, this discussion
takes up aspects of his theory as it pertains to the abovementioned question. Attention
will be paid to the ontological, epistemological and axiological presuppositions of the
theory. Relevant basic, structural and evaluative concepts are explained. Although the
theory is useful in various ways in the relevant field, it is especially the criteria for
narrative rationality, i.e. the requirements that holds for narrative probability and
narrative fidelity, that arguably can be used as a starting point for a rhetorical-critical
approach to rhetorical acts in the lyric of De la Rey.
Bok van Blerk’s song, De la Rey, Power of persuasion, Narrative paradigm theory
Terblanche, L., & Terblanche, F. H. (2007). Aspekte van Fisher se narratiewe teorie as vertrekpunt vir 'n retoriese kritiekbenadering tot die De La Rey-liriek? Communitas, 12, 93-113.