Luc Peire’s Mwinda Mingi (1955): a Belgian abstract painting on the Congo

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Vermeulen, Julien
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University of the Free State
English: As a young artist Luc Peire (1916-1994) was influenced by expressionism, but by 1955, when he painted Mwinda Mingi, his work had become predominantly abstract. The Lingala-title suggests this shift may have taken place during his journey in the Congo and critics have often claimed that the painter’s perception of African village life had a decisive impact on his new style. This assumption however requires a profound analysis taking into account the broader context of Belgian colonial art, Peire’s contacts with modernist artists, the circumstances of his isolated life as a painter-in-residence, the gradual development of his abstract idiom and the ambivalent reception of his new work among expatriates and Belgian critics. The catalogue raisonné of his oeuvre mentions 1398 oil paintings, sixty of which have been inspired by Africa.
Afrikaans: As ’n jong kunstenaar is Luc Peire (1916-1994) beïnvloed deur die ekspressionisme, maar teen 1955, toe hy Mwinda Mingi geskilder het, het sy werk al oorwegend abstrak geword. Die Lingala-titel van die werk suggereer dat hierdie verskuiwing kon plaasgevind het tydens sy reis in die Kongo en kritici het dikwels aangevoer dat die skilder se persepsie van die plattelandse lewe in Afika ’n afdoende impak op sy nuwe styl gehad het. Hierdie aanname verg egter grondige ondersoek wat die breër konteks van Belgiese koloniale kuns, Peire se kontak met modernistiese kunstenaars, die omstandighede van sy geïsoleerde lewe as ’n inwonende skilder, die geleidelike ontwikkeling van sy abstrakte idioom en die dubbelsinnige ontvangs van sy nuwe werk onder uitgewekenes en Belgiese kritici, in ag neem. Die catalogue raisonné van sy oeuvre noem 1398 skilderye, waarvan sestig deur Afrika geïnspireer is.
Peire, Luc, Mwinda Mingi (1955)
Vermeulen, J. (2012). Luc Peire's Mwinda Mingi (1955): a Belgian abstract painting on the Congo. Acta Academica: African and other cultures: traces and processes of mutual translation: Supplementum 1, 156-188.