Social justice in education today

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Nieuwenhuis, Jan
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University of the Free State
English: Authors on social justice provide a specific lens through which social justice in education can be viewed. They construct an ideal that cannot be legislated or achieved by means of international conventions or declarations – social justice is seated in the hearts and minds of people and it must be lived. It requires that every citizen should take the responsibility to protect, advance and promote the values, principles and ideals of social justice. In achieving these noble ideals developing countries need to come to terms with certain challenges that must be addressed lest social justice remain but a dream. This article argues that as long as these conditions exist there cannot be social justice.
Afrikaans: Skrywers op die gebied van sosiale geregtigheid verskaf ’n bepaalde lens van waaruit sosiale geregtigheid in die onderwys beskou kan word. Hierdie skrywers konstrueer ’n ideaal wat nie deur wetgewing of internasionale konvensies of deklarasies bereik kan word nie – sosiale geregtigheid moet tuiskom in die harte en gedagtes van mense en dit moet geleef word. Dit vereis dat elke burger verantwoordelikheid opneem om die waardes, beginsels en ideale van sosiale geregtigheid te beskerm en te bevorder. Binne die konteks van ’n ontwikkelende land is daar bepaalde uitdagings wat aangespreek moet word om te voorkom dat sosiale geregtigheid bloot ’n droom bly. Daar word geargumenteer dat vir solank as wat hierdie uitdagings bestaan, daar nie sprake kan wees van sosiale geregtigheid nie.
Social justice, Education
Nieuwenhuis, J. (2011). Social justice in education today. Acta Academica, 43(1), 189-210.