Personality traits of successful music entrepreneurs

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Van Zuilenburg, Paul Loeb
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University of the Free State
English: It is internationally accepted that music entrepreneurship presents an alternative form of employment for music graduates. The question that inadvertently arises concerns the suitability of this occupation for musicians. During this study, musicians and successful music entrepreneurs were interviewed in order to identify their critical personality traits. These were compared with the documented personality traits of entrepreneurs and the findings showed a strong correlation between the character traits of both groupings, but with critical differences apparent. The article presents a typology of personality traits and concludes that not all musicians are suited to a career in music entrepreneurship.
Afrikaans: Daar word internasionaal aanvaar dat musiekentrepreneurskap ’n alternatiewe beroeps-geleentheid aan gegradueerde musiekstudente bied. Die vraag wat onwillekeurig ontstaan is of alle musikante geskik is vir hierdie tipe loopbaankeuse. Tydens hierdie studie is onderhoude gevoer met musici en suksesvolle musiekentrepreneurs in ’n poging om vas te stel watter persoonlikheidseienskappe as noodsaaklik beskou kan word om suksesvol te wees as entrepreneur. Laasgenoemde eienskappe is vergelyk met gedokumenteerde persoonlikheidseienskappe van entrepreneurs en die be-vindinge het sterk ooreenkomste getoon asook kritieke verskille. ’n Tipologie van persoonlikheidseienskappe is hieruit ontwikkel en een van die gevolgtrekkings van die studie was dat alle musikante nie geskik is vir ’n loopbaan as musiekentrepreneur nie.
Personality traits, Entrepreneurship, Music, Graduates
Van Zuilenburg, P. L. (2013). Personality traits of successful music entrepreneurs. Acta Academica, 45(1), 100-118.