Dignity: the missing building block in South African schools?

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Reyneke, J. M.
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Faculty of Law, University of the Free State
English: There is a dire need in South Africa to build a strong education system to meet the needs and expectations of its people. Unfortunately, education is currently in an unacceptable state, with, inter alia, escalating school-based violence, deteriorating matriculation results and standards, high absenteeism rates among educators, strikes, and a lack of proper facilities and infrastructure. Lack of respect for the right to dignity of stakeholders will be investigated as an underlying contributing factor to this unfortunate situation. First, the concept of dignity will be discussed. Secondly, certain conduct, actions and decisions on the part of the different stakeholders will be considered with specific reference to the impact thereof on the different dimensions of the right to dignity of other stakeholders. It will be argued that all stakeholders in education infringe, to some extent, the right to dignity of others and that they should be sensitised to these infringements.
Afrikaans: Om 'n gesonde onderwysstelsel te bou is een van Suid-Afrika se grootste behoeftes om te kan voorsien in die behoeftes en verwagtinge van die mense. Ongelukkig is onderwys tans in 'n bedenklike toestand met onder andere toenemende geweld in skole, dalende matriek resultate en standaarde, hoë afwesigheidskoerse van onderwysers, stakings en 'n gebrek aan voldoende toerusting en infrastruktuur. Die gebrek aan respek vir die menswaardigheid van mede-aandeelhouers sal ondersoek word as een van die onderliggende bydraende faktore tot die onbehaaglike situasie. Eerstens sal die reg op menswaardigheid as konsep bespreek word. Tweedens sal sommige van die gedrag, aksies en besluite van die verskillende aandeelhouers bespreek word met spesifieke verwysing na die impak daarvan op die verskillende dimensies van die reg op menswaardigheid van ander aandeelhouers. Daar word aangevoer dat al die aandeelhouers tot 'n sekere mate inbreuk maak op die reg op menswaardigheid van ander aandeelhouers en dat hulle gesensitiseer moet word ten aansien van hierdie aantastings.
Reyneke, J. M. (2010). Dignity: the missing building block in South African schools?. Journal for Juridical Science: Special Issue 1, 71-105.