Social disruption in South Africa: strategies towards conflict resolution

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Prinsloo, Erna
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University of the Free State
English: In most countries where different racial and ethnic groups live together, society is characterised by conflict. One of the most important reasons for this is the fact that ethnic groups are usually minority groups. The crux of the matter concerns minority group membership and the attitude of the dominant group towards minority rights. This article attempts to analyse the South African situation in terms of factors contributing to the current climate of social disruption. Its focus, however, is on the search for effective means of combatting inter-group antagonism and creating a harmonious and prosperous future for the inhabitants of the country.
Afrikaans: In die meeste lande waar verskillende rasse en etniese groepe saamwoon, word die sosiale orde deur konflik versteur. Een van die belangrikste cedes hiervoor is die feit dat etniese groepe gewoonlik minderheidsgroepe is. Die probleem IS by minderheidsgroep-lidmaatskap en die houding van die heersende dominante groep teenoor minderheidsregte. Hierdie artikel poog om die Suid-Mrikaanse situasie in terme van die aanleidende oorsake toe sosiale ontwrigcing, te oncleed. Die fokus val egter op die soeke na effektiewe oplossings om interetniese antagonisme ce bekamp en om 'n harmoniese en voorspoedige toekoms vir die inwoners van die land te verseker.
Prinsloo, E. (2000). Social disruption in South Africa: strategies towards conflict resolution. Acta Academica, 32(1), 27-43.