Diversity in provision of clinical legal education (CLE): a strength or weakness in an integrated programme of curriculum development?

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Iya, P. F.
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Faculty of Law, University of the Free State
English: In a paper published in the International Journal for Clinical Legal Education of 2000 (No 1 of November 2000), the result of a survey that was carried under the sub-title "country studies" relating to the provision of clinical legal education in a number of African countries, was analysed. In the concluding remarks, an argument was made for a "progressive integrated and holistic skills development programme in university law school curricula" possibly in Africa. The question which now needs serious reflection is whether such an integrated and holistic clinical legal education programme for Africa and indeed around the world is practically possible, given such diverse factors like structures, mechanisms and other variables employed in delivering clinical legal education in the different jurisdictions globally. In this study, therefore, we shall examine inter alia diversity as a concept; explore the possibility of contextualising the debates on diversity in the arena of curricula for CLE; establish and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of diversity in the context of CLE; and showcase the experience of some universities in Africa engaged in streamlining their curricula for clinical legal education. In particular, we shall focus the discussion by examining the challenges and lessons to be learnt in developing an integrated CLE curriculum in South Africa. This is contextually significant, given issues and factors relating to globalisation in the context of South Africa's emerging new dispensation characterised by a highly multicultural society and her new constitutional and democratic order. By engaging in such a debate and addressing the above and other related issues it is hoped that sufficient arguments will have been generated and will continue to be developed to provoke more thoughts and deeper reflection in the area of diversity and curriculum development in South Africa in particular and in other jurisdictions generally.
Afrikaans: In 'n artikel in die International Journal for Clinical Legal Education (Nr 1 van November 2000) is die resultate gepubliseer van 'n studie aangaande die voorsiening van kliniese regsopleiding in 'n paar lande in Afrika. In die laaste gedeelte van die artikel is die stelling gemaak dat "'n progressiewe ge"lntegreerde en holistiese vaardigheidsprogram in die universiteitsregskool kurrikula" moontlik is in Afrika. Die vraag wat egter ernstig oor besin moet word, is of so 'n benadering prakties moontlik is in Afrika en selfs wereldwyd gegewe sulke diverse faktore soos strukture, meganismes en ander veranderlikes wat gebruik word in die lewering van kliniese regsopleing wereldwyd. In hierdie studie ondersoek ons inter alia "verskil" as ·n konsep; die moontlikheid word ondersoek om die debatte te kontekstualiseer as dit kom by kurrikula vir kliniese regsopleiding; vas te stel en te analiseer wat die sterk punte en swak punte is; en te toon wat die ondervinding van sommige universiteite in Afrika was in die verband. In besonder sal daar gefokus word op die uitdagings en Jesse wat geleer kan word wanneer ·n ge·i"ntegreerde kliniese regsopleidingsprogram ontwikkel word in Suid-Afrika. Dit is kontekstueel van belang gegewe faktore soos globalisering in die konteks van Suid-Afrika se nuwe bedeling met haar multi-kulturele samelewing en nuwe konstitusionele en demokratiese bestel. Deur hieroor te debateer en bogenoemde aan le spreek word vertrou dat voldoende argumente aangevoer sal word en stof tot nadenke sal lewer in die area van diversiteit in die ontwikkeling van 'n kurrikulum in Suid-Afrika in besonder en in ander jurisdiksies oor die algemeen.
Clinical legal education, Diversity, Curricula for clinical legal education
Iya, P. F. (2008). Diversity in provision of clinical legal education (CLE): a strength or weakness in an integrated programme of curriculum development? Journal for Juridical Science, Special Issue, 34-52.