Knowledge management as a performance enhancing tool in construction project management in South Africa

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Talukhaba, Alfred
Taiwo, Adekunle
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University of the Free State
English: Knowledge management is concerned with the development and exploitation of the knowledge assets of an organisation, with a view to furthering the organisation’s objectives. The vital role that knowledge management processes play in the performance of business organisations has been the basis of several studies - a number of companies operating in various other industries have proven the need for, and performance enhancing benefits of, adopting knowledge management processes in one form or another. Taking these accounts into consideration, this article attempted to test the hypothesis that effective knowledge management use would constitute a performance enhancing tool in construction project management enterprise in South Africa. The research survey was thus carried out among registered professional construction project managers in South Africa. The levels of awareness and use of knowledge management systems among construction project management professionals in South Africa was analysed. This revealed a mostly ‘medium to high’ level of awareness and use. However, the Project Efficiency Review (PER) approach to performance measurement showed limited correlation between knowledge management use and enhanced performance in construction project performance. Other performance measurement approaches such as Metrics, Economic and Market Value also showed limited correlation. Two causative factors for this situation are construction project scope changes and schedule delays, which are seemingly pervasive in contemporary South Africa. As such, further research is recommended to establish more appropriate ‘objective’ performance measurement approaches that would be able to accommodate these complexities. This would facilitate the making of a business case for knowledge management use in construction project management.
Afrikaans: Kennisbestuur het ten doel om die kennisbate van ’n organisasie te ontwikkel en te benut ter bevordering van die organisasie se doelstellings. Die kardinale rol wat kennisbestuur speel in organisasies se prestasies vorm die basis van verskeie studies – ’n aantal besighede buite die konstruksiebedryf het getoon dat daar ’n behoefte is aan die aanvaarding van kennisbestuurprosesse aan die een kant, en die prestasieverbeteringsvoordele wat sodanige kennisbestuurprosesse bied, aan die ander kant. In die lig hiervan het hierdie studie onderneem om die hipotese dat effektiewe kennisbestuur ’n instrument tot prestasieverbetering in die konstruksiebedryf in Suid-Afrika daar sal stel, getoets. Die navorsingsondersoek is uitgevoer onder professionele konstruksie-projekbestuurders in Suid-Afrika. Die bewustheidsvlakke en gebruik van kennisbestuursisteme onder professionele konstruksie-projekbestuurders in Suid-Afrika is ondersoek; die resultate het ’n ‘medium tot hoë’ bewustheidsvlak en gebruik getoon. Die Projekvaardigheidsoorsigbenadering tot prestasiemeting is hoofsaaklik in hierdie studie gebruik. Dit het ’n beperkte korrelasie tussen kennisbestuur gebruik en verhoogde prestasie in konstruksieprojekte getoon. Ander prestasie metingbenaderings byvoorbeeld Metrieke, Ekonomiese en Markwaarde, het ook beperkte korrelasie getoon. Twee huidige wydverspreide bydraende faktore tot hierdie toedrag van sake in Suid-Afrika is die verandering aan projekbestek (omvang) en skedule vertragings. Verdere navorsing word dus aanbeveel om ’n meer toepaslike ‘objektiewe’ meetinstrument vir prestasie daar te stel wat hierdie kompleksiteite kan akkommodeer. So ’n instrument sou die ontwerp/ skep van ’n besigheidsaak vir kennisbestuurgebruik in konstruksie-projekbestuur in die hand werk.
Knowledge management, Project management, Performance measurement.
Talukhaba, A., & Taiwo, A. (2009). Knowledge management as a performance enhancing tool in construction project management in South Africa. Acta Structilia: Journal for the Physical and Development Sciences, 16(1), 33-63.