Postgraduate supervision: students’ and supervisors’ perceptions

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Lessing, Ansie
Schulze, Salomé
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University of the Free State
English: The aim of this research was to compare the views of postgraduate students and supervisors on the supervisory process in the Faculty of Education at the University of South Africa. The research was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, survey research was employed by means of a questionnaire in order to determine the perceptions of students on diverse aspects of postgraduate research. During the second phase, supervisors’ perceptions of postgraduate supervision were ascertained by means of a qualitative inquiry using focus groups. The findings included a number of aspects which participants had found rewarding. Unmet needs of students related to the planning of the research, research methodology, contact with supervisors, feedback, response time and examination feedback. Supervisors desired the recruitment of higher potential students who would deliver better work.
Afrikaans: Die doel met hierdie navorsing was om die aard van die sienings van studente en studieleiers oor studieleiding by die Fakulteit Opvoedkunde aan die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika te vergelyk. Die navorsing is in twee fases uitgevoer. In die eerste fase is die persepsies van studente rakende verskeie aspekte van hulle nagraadse studie deur middel van ’n vraelys bepaal. Gedurende die tweede fase is studieleiers se persepsies van nagraadse studieleiding bepaal deur middel van ’n kwalitatiewe ondersoek wat fokusgroepe ingesluit het. Die resultate het op ’n aantal onbevredigende aspekte vir die deelnemers gedui. Onbeantwoorde behoeftes van studente het verband gehou met die beplanning van die navorsing, navorsingsmetodologie, kontak met studieleiers, terugvoering, responstyd en terugvoering na eksaminering afgehandel is. Studieleiers het ’n behoefte gehad aan studente met meer potensiaal wat werk van ’n beter gehalte lewer.
Postgraduate students, Supervisors, Faculty of Education, University of South Africa, Higher education institutions, Quality of research
Lessing, A., & Schulz, S. (2003). Postgraduate supervision: students' and supervisors' perceptions. Acta Academica, 35(3), 161-184.