AA 2004 Volume 36 Issue 3

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Developing national standards for the accreditation of undergraduate medical education and training in South Africa
    (University of the Free State, 2004) Bezuidenhout, Hannemarie; Nel, Kerneels; Nel, Mariejie
    English: In this study, quality assurance and accreditation in higher education were investigated, and standards for the self-evaluation of medical schools and the accreditation of medical education in South Africa were identified. A literature study formed the basis for the investigation, while the Delphi technique was used for the empirical study. A set of 110 standards was compiled, comprising both absolute standards and standards aimed at encouraging development. The standards are suitable for verifying the quality of education, for use as a lever for change and reform and for reference as principles guiding quality assurance. This study will facilitate the attainment of the dual goal of the accreditation process, namely to guarantee the quality of educational offerings to all users and concerned bodies, and to promote the enhancement of academic standards.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Onderrigkommunikasie in die klaskamer: ’n uitnodigende onderwysperspektief
    (University of the Free State, 2004) Van der Merwe, Martyn
    English: Classroom communication is essential in developing good perceptions of the self, others and the school. It is also linked to school achievement. This paper explores instructional communication from the perspective of invitational education. Ten secondary schools were selected and 50 lessons were videotaped. Episodes containing inviting and disinviting examples of communication were identified. The most important finding is that teachers tended to be more disinviting than inviting in their communication and to impart these messages more explicitly than implicitly. The study also noted a complete lack of certain verbal and non-verbal skills, for example the active listening that is conducive to inviting interpersonal relationships and developing unrealised potential. It recommends that more training in invitational communication and action research be included in basic teacher training.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Strategies for implementing outcomes-based education at the Technikon Free State
    (University of the Free State, 2004) Snyman, Andries
    English: The decision of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) that all qualifications should be registered in outcomes-based education (OBE) format on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) by 2000 forced all higher education institutions to take this approach to teaching and learning seriously. A research project on the implementation of OBE at technikons in 1999-2001 provided further reinforcement (CTM 2001). In this article the most important strategies used by the Technikon Free State (TFS) to implement the theoretical framework of OBE within the national higher education context are discussed. The implications of implementing OBE are also highlighted. Technikons are well-positioned to implement OBE, since the basic tenets of its theory and practice are similar to their traditional teaching philosophy.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Sexual harassment: perceptions and coping strategies among undergraduate students in Nigeria
    (University of the Free State, 2004) Ladebo, Olugbenga; Shopeju, James
    English: This article reports on an investigation into the sexual harassment (SH) experiences, coping strategies and educational outcomes of undergraduate students from the University of Agriculture in south-western Nigeria. Questionnaires were administered to 290 undergraduate students. Female students were found to be the main targets of harassment and male students the typical perpetrators. Students perceived sexual propositions and dating propositions accompanied by threats as constituting severe forms of SH. There was no association between sexual harassment and students’ satisfaction with the institution but the targets of harassment had a lower academic performance than non-harassed students.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Treatment adherence among tuberculosis patients
    (University of the Free State, 2004) Matebesi, Zacheus; Booysen, Frikkie
    English: The main aim of this article is to provide insight into the determinants of treatment adherence among pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The study was conducted at nine clinics in the Free State province of South Africa. The quantitative evidence shows that stigmatisation, the socio-economic circumstances of patients, and migrancy all play important roles in explaining non-adherence. The qualitative evidence identified some of the factors affecting adherence as lack of knowledge about TB, the nonsustainability of educational campaigns, the side-effects of drugs, hunger, lack of family support, the stigma attached to TB, the attitude of health care workers and the long delay before diagnosis. Based on this evidence, recommendations are made for a number of provider-, patient- and community-centred interventions to improve adherence
  • ItemOpen Access
    Implementing outward-bound academic entrepreneurship in the human sciences
    (University of the Free State, 2004) Rosseel, Peter
    English: Many universities today acknowledge that besides focusing on teaching, learning and research, they should also be involved in “service to the community”. Four questions arise in this regard: What exactly does this service to the community entail? How, within what framework, and under what conditions should this service be rendered? What criteria determine whether an activity qualifies as service to the community? In what type of structure should such outward-bound activities be embedded? Different universities — even different faculties within the same university — have answered these questions in different ways. The human sciences in particular struggle to see how they can use their research to contribute actively to a better world outside the university as well as how they can be rewarded for this both by their university and by the organisations they assist. Focusing on outward-bound academic entrepreneurship, this paper will attempt to answer the first three questions raised above and to show that there are in fact many opportunities for the humanities to be involved in academic entrepreneurship are plentifold.