Mid-career problems of academics in higher education

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Pienaar, Cobus
Bester, Coen
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University of the Free State
English: The purpose of this study was to explore and identify typical mid-career problems experienced by academic staff working at a changing institution of higher education in South Africa. Data were obtained by means of the Delphi technique in order to enable respondents to reveal their experiences fully. Respondents had to identify the most prominent career problems that they were experiencing in the work environment. The problems thus identified related, inter alia, to performance management and promotion; role overload; financial remuneration; management issues; lack of job security, and discrimination. The implication of these results is that top managements should familiarise themselves with these problems and take the necessary steps to address them in collaboration with academics in the mid-career stage.
Afrikaans: Die doel van die studie was om die kenmerkende loopbaandprobleme van akademiese personeel gedurende die middelloopbaanfase binne ’n veranderende Suid-Afrkaanse hoëronderwysinstelling te verken en te identifiseer. Die data is bekom deur middel van die Delphi-tegniek om respondente in staat te stel om vryelik aan te dui wat hulle ervaar. Respondente moes die belangrikste loopbaanprobleme wat hulle tans in hulle werksomgewing ervaar, identifiseer. Die prominente loopbaanprobleme wat geïdentifiseer is behels probleme aangaande prestasiebestuur en bevordering; roloorbelading; finansiële vergoeding; bestuurskwessies; gebrek aan werksekuriteit en diskriminasie. Die implikasie van hierdie bevindinge is dat topbestuur van hierdie probleme moet kennis neem en dat daar in samewerking met akademici wat hulle in hierdie loopbaanfase bevind, daadwerklike stappe geneem moet word om die geïdentifiseerde probleme aan te spreek.
Academic staff, Higher education institutions, South Africa, Career problems
Pienaar, C., & Bester, C. (2007). Mid-career problems of academics in higher education. Acta Academica, 39(3), 224-237.