The image of the construction industry and its employment attractiveness

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Haupt, Theo
Harinarain, Nishani
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University of the Free State
English: As the construction industry does not seem to enjoy a positive image, it is not necessarily the career of choice when compared with other industries. This study examines the image of the industry in order to establish what the perception of the industry is, the effects of that perception, and how the image of the sector could be improved. A mixed approach is used that involves a questionnaire survey of a purposive sample of high-school students, employers and employees in the Greater Durban area of KwaZulu-Natal province as well as a focus group of employers. The findings of the study are important if the image of the construction industry is to be improved so that it can become the career of choice for larger numbers of high-school students and other potential new entrants. The study is confined to the KwaZulu-Natal province and high schools in the western suburbs of Durban.
Afrikaans: Dit blyk dat die konstruksiebedryf se beeld tans negatief is. Dit het tot gevolg dat minder mense hierdie beroep betree of dit as ‘n aanvaarbare beroepskeuse beskou. Hierdie studie ondersoek die beeld van die bedryf ten einde vas te stel wat die persepsie van die bedryf is, die gevolge van daardie persepsie en hoe om die beeld van die sektor te verbeter. ‘n Gemengde benadering is gebruik om ‘n vraelysopname van ‘n doelgerigte steekproef onder hoërskoolleerlinge, werkgewers en werknemers in die groter Durban-area van die KwaZulu-Natal provinsie, asook ‘n fokusgroep van werkgewers te doen. Die bevindinge van die studie is belangrik om die beeld van die konstruksiebedryf te verbeter sodat dit die loopbaankeuse vir meer hoërskoolleerlinge en ander potensiële nuwe toetreders kan word. Die studie is slegs gedoen in die KwaZulu-Natal provinsie en hoërskole in die westelike voorstede van Durban.
Image, Career choice, School leavers, Employers
Haupt, T., & Harinarain, N. (2016). The image of the construction industry and its employment attractiveness. Acta Structilia, 23(2), 79-108.