Risk management in public sector construction projects: case studies in Lesotho

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Nketekete, Molefi
Emuze, Fidelis
Smallwood, John
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University of the Free State
English: Construction projects are facing problems that impede their expected performance. Time, cost, quality, and competition limitations place constraints on projects. These challenges require incisive risk-management (RM) practices. This article presents the findings of a multiple case study, which determined how and why public sector construction projects are failing in terms of contemporary RM practices that appear to be lacking in Lesotho construction. The article investigates the stakeholders’ perceptions regarding risks’ likelihoods and impacts (P-Is) on three public sector construction projects. A 5-point Likert measurement scale was used to collect data for the P-I grids. The data are analysed and presented with Scatter plots. The results obtained through cross-case synthesis show that the interviewees perceive the level of risks’ P-Is on the examined construction projects to be high. Moreover, the level of RM practice is found to be inconsistent with best practices. To enhance RM practices in Lesotho, the management of public sector construction projects should promote the use of competent project managers.
Afrikaans: Konstruksieprojekte staar probleme in die gesig wat hul verwagte gedrag strem, wat deur tyds-, koste-, kwaliteits- en kompetisiebeperkinge beïnvloed word. Hierdie uitdagings vereis indringende risiko bestuurspraktyke (RB). Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die bevindinge vanuit ‘n omvattende gevallestudie navorsingsmetode aan te bied, gerig op kontemporêre RB-praktyke, wat ontoereikend blyk te wees in die geval van Lesotho konstruksieprojekte. Die ondersoek fokus op die persepsies van aandeelhouers ten opsigte van die waarskynlikheid en impak (P-Is) van risikos oor drie openbare sektor konstruksieprojekte. ‘n Vyfpunt Likertskaal-meetinstrument is gebruik vir die versameling van data vir die P-I roosters en spreidiagramme vir ontleding daarvan. Die data is ontleed en aangebied met verspreidingsgrafieke. Die resutate verkry deur kruisgevalsintese wys dat respondente die vlak van P-Is vir geselekteerde konstruksieprojekte hoog ag. Daar is ook bevind dat die omvang van RB-praktyke afwyk van internasionale praktyk, as gevolg van uitdagings binne die projekte. Ten einde RB-praktyke in Lesotho te bevorder, beveel die outeurs aan dat gesoute bestuurders vir die bestuur van openbare konstruksieprojekte aangewend word.
Construction, Lesotho, Public sector, Risk management
Nketekete, M., Emuze, F., & Smallwood, J. Risk management in public sector construction projects: case studies in Lesotho. Acta Structilia, 23(2), 1-24.