’n Model vir die meting van die bourekenaar se kommunikasievolwassenheid

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Berry, Frank
Verster, Basie
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University of the Free State
English: The aim of this article is to describe the identification and measurement of the determinants important for a communication maturity model leading to the development of a communication maturity model to measure the communication capabilities of the quantity surveyor. The survey has been conducted amongst practising quantity surveyors, architects, engineers, clients and contractors chosen from all 9 provinces in South Africa. The questionnaire which was distributed and returned by respondents by email in 2010, was aimed at measuring the importance of the determinants according to the quantity surveying standard. Views on the quantity surveying standard of maturity in communication based on the chosen determinants which forms the communication maturity model for the quantity surveyor in the construction industry were also collected. The results of the survey indicated that respondents identified the following determinants as important elements of the communication maturity model: verbal communication, written communication, contractual communication, information technology communication, leadership communication and instruments communication. The views of respondents regarding the quantity surveying standard in maturity from the chosen determinants which form the communication maturity model, showed that all determinants were positively experienced and that the determinant ‘Contractual communication’ showed the highest valuation result. The determinant ‘Verbal communication’ is in relation to other determinants identified as an area that should be developed.
Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die identifisering en meting van die determinante van ‘n kommunikasievolwassenheidsmodel wat die bourekenaar se kommunikasievermoë meet, te beskryf. Die ondersoek is gedoen onder praktiserende bourekenaars, argitekte, ingenieurs, kliënte en aannemers, gekies uit al 9 provinsies van Suid-Afrika. Die vraelys is in 2010 uitgestuur en is ook in dieselfde jaar terug ontvang. Die vraelys is per e-pos gesirkuleer met die doel om die belangrikheid van die determinante van die voorgestelde model volgens die die standaard gestel deur bourekenaars te meet. Sienings is ook in gewin ten opsigte van die bourekenaarstandaard van volwassenheid volgens die gekose determinante wat die kommunikasievolwassenheidsmodel van die bourekenaar in die konstruksiebedryf vorm. Die navorsingsresultate het die volgende determinante aangewys as belangrik om die kommunikasievolwassenheidsmodel te vorm: mondelinge kommunikasie, skriftelike kommunikasie, kontraktuele kommunikasie, inligtingstegnologiese kommunikasie, leierskapkommunikasie en kommunikasie deur instrumente. Die siening van die respondente betreffende die bourekenaarstandaard van die determinante wat die kommunikasievolwassenheidsmodel van die bourekenaar vorm, toon dat die determinante wat die kommunikasievolwassenheidsmodel van die bourekenaar bepaal positief ervaar is en die determinant ‘Kontraktuele kommunikasie’ het die hoogste waarderingsuitslag behaal. Die determinant ‘Mondelinge kommunikasie’ is relatief tot die ander determinante uitgesonder as ’n gebied wat verdere ontwikkeling benodig.
Communication maturity model, Quantity surveyor, South Africa, Communication capabilities
Berry, F., & Verster, B. (2012). ’n Model vir die meting van die bou-rekenaar se kommunikasievolwassenheid. Acta Structilia, 19(1), 57-70.