The influence of trust and commitment on customer loyalty: a case study of Liberty Life

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Roberts-Lombard, Mornay
Du Plessis, Leon
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University of the Free State
English: The finance, real estate and business services sector, including the long-term insurance industry, contributed 20.3% to gross domestic product in 2011. However, the majority of Liberty Life’s customers are cancelling their policies as they face an uncertain economic future due, in part, to retrenchments. During 2008, it became apparent that Liberty Life had to improve its customer relationship management strategies. This article primarily aims to investigate the influence of trust and commitment on customer loyalty through customer relationship management at Liberty Life in South Africa. The results indicate that Liberty Life can become more trustworthy by keeping promises to customers, showing concern for the security of their transactions, providing quality services, showing respect for customers, and fulfilling obligations. The results also indicate that customers regard the product adjustments made by Liberty Life to suit their individual needs as an indicator of the commitment.
Afrikaans: Die finansiële, eiendom- en dienste sektore, insluitend die langtermyn lewens-versekerings bedryf, het 20.3% tot die land se bruto binnelandse produk bygedra in 2011. Nieteenstaande, ondervind ’n groot deel van Liberty Lewens se klante kanselleer hul polisse aangesien hulle ’n onsekere toekoms in die gesig staar, gedeeltelik weens werksverliese. Gedurende 2008, het dit aan die lig gekom dat Liberty Lewens sy klanteverhoudingsbestuurstrategieë moet verbeter. Die primêre doel van hierdie artikel is om die invloed van vertroue en toewyding op doelgerigte kliëntelojaliteit via klante-verhoudingsbestuur by Liberty Lewens in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Die resultate dui daarop dat Liberty Lewens meer betroubaar kan wees deur by beloftes te hou, bedag te wees ten opsigte van die vertroulikheid van hul transaksies, kwaliteitdiens te lewer, respekvol teenoor kliënte te wees, en deur verpligtinge na te kom. eDie resultate dui ook daarop dat die kliënte die produkwysigings wat deur Liberty Lewens aangebring word, beskou as ’n aanduiding van Liberty Lewens se toewyding.
Long-term insurance industry, Customer relationships, Liberty Life in South Africa
Roberts-Lombard, M., & Du Plessis, L. (2012). The influence of trust and commitment on customer loyalty: a case study of Liberty Life. Acta Academica, 44(4), 58-80.