The elaboration of a demarcation criterion in reformational philosophy

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Coletto, Renato
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University of the Free State
English: Contemporary philosophy of science has struggled considerably over an apparently simple question: how does one distinguish between scientific and non-scientific knowledge? The search for a criterion of demarcation between science and non-science has been laborious but not very rewarding. This article presents the contribution provided by Reformational philosophy, a relatively small Christian school in which, it is argued, a plausible solution to the demarcation problem was offered. The views of the relevant authors are sketched, with the conclusion that (since its beginnings in the 1930s) the discussion on the demarcation criterion among Reformational philosophers shows considerable consensus.
Afrikaans: Die huidige wetenskapsfilosofie worstel ernstig met ’n oënskynlik eenvoudige vraag: hoe onderskei ’n mens tussen wetenskaplike en nie-wetenskaplike kennis? Die soeke na ’n kriterium vir onderskeid tussen wetenskap en nie-wetenskap is uitgebreid maar lewer nie veel op nie. Hierdie artikel stel aan die orde die bydrae wat die Reformatoriese filosofie, ’n relatiewe klein Christelike denkskool, maak. Daar word geargumenteer dat laasgenoemde ’n moontlike antwoord op die afgrensings-probleem bied. Die standpunte van die relevante skrywers word kortliks gegee met die konklusie dat (sedert die begin van die skool in die 1930’s) die debat oor die afgrensingskriterium ’n beduidende ooreenkoms tussen Reformatoriese filosowe toon.
Philosophy of science, Knowledge, Reformational philosophy
Coletto, R. (2011). The elaboration of a demarcation criterion in reformational philosophy. Acta Academica, 43(2), 41-65.