Business development and local economic development in South Africa: addressing the disconnect

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Rogerson, Christian
Rogerson, Jayne
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University of the Free State
English: Local economic development is a critical challenge for much of sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in South Africa. This article aims to examine the limits to successful local economic development (LED) in South Africa which emerge from the ‘disconnect’ between business development and LED. One reason for the disappointments surrounding 15 years of LED planning relates to this “disconnect” between business development and LED planning. This issue is now acknowledged as national government has launched a series of initiatives to develop the connections between enterprise development, on the one hand, and local economic development, on the other. The discussion points to four themes, namely the improved market confidence of the private sector in local government; the capacity to identify opportunities for and to exploit competitive advantage; the need to build a business environment friendly for private sector investment, and the intensification of enterprise support at local level for the development of small businesses.
Afrikaans: Plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling is ’n uiters belangrike uitdaging vir ’n groot deel van Afrika suid van die Sahara, veral in Suid-Afrika. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die beperkings van suksesvolle plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling (PEO) in Suid-Afrika wat uit die “ontkoppeling” tussen sake-ontwikkeling en PEO spruit. Een van die redes vir die teleurstellings die afgelope 15 jaar rakende PEO-beplanning hou verband met hierdie “ontkoppeling” tussen sake-ontwikkeling en PEO-beplanning. Hierdie kwessie word nou erken, aangesien die nasionale regering ’n aantal inisiatiewe van stapel gestuur het om enersyds die verbande tussen ondernemingsontwikkeling en andersyds PEO te ontwikkel. Die bespreking fokus op vier temas, naamlik die verbeterde markvertroue van die private sektor in die plaaslike regering; die vermoë om geleenthede vir mededingende voordeel te identifiseer en ontgin; die behoefte om ’n sake-omgewing tot stand te bring wat gunstig vir die ontwikkeling van die privaat sektor is, en die intensivering van ondernemingsondersteuning op plaaslike vlak vir die ontwikkeling van klein sake.
Local economic development
Rogerson, C., & Rogerson, J. (2012). Business development and local economic development in South Africa: Addressing the disconnect. Acta Academica, 44(2), 41-69.