’n Moeder se belewenis van outisme vanuit ’n emosionele intelligensie-perspektief

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Du Preez, Hannelie
Lubbe-De Beer, Carien
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University of the Free State
English: The rationale for the proposed study is to gain insight into, and understanding of what it means to be the mother of a child who is diagnosed with autism. The mother’s attitude towards her reality is accounted for from Reuvon Bar-On’s Emotional Intelligence model (EI). A qualitative research design with a narrative research approach was followed. Multidata-generating strategies were used to support the mother in giving expression to her reality and collaboratively attach meaning to it. The EI-interpreted experiences suggest that the mother demonstrates an optmistic, realistic and introspective view on parenting and education. It can be regarded as accountable to state that the mother displays informed comprehension of, and insight into the disability with which her child is living and their future together.
Afrikaans: Die rasionaal vir die onderhawige studie is om insig en begrip te verwerf oor wat dit beteken om die moeder te wees van ’n kind wat met outisme gediagnoseer is. Die moeder se ingesteldheid teenoor haar realititet is vanuit Reuvon Bar-On se Emosionele Intelligensie-model (EI) verantwoord. ’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp met ’n narratiewe navorsingsbenadering is gevolg. Multi-datagenereringstrategieë is gebruik om die moeder te ondersteun om uitdrukking te gee aan haar realiteit én samewerkend daaraan betekenis te gee. Die EI-geïnterpreteerde belewenisse dui daarop dat die moeder ’n optimistiese, realistiese en introspektiewe uitkyk het met betrekking tot ouerskap en opvoeding. Dit kan as verantwoordbaar beskou word dat die moeder ingeligde begrip en insig toon ten opsigte van die hindernis waarmee haar seun leef en hul lewe saam vorentoe.
Autism, Disability, Reuvon Bar-On’s Emotional Intelligence model, Parent-child relationships
Du Preez, H., & Lubbe-De Beer, C. (2013). 'n Moeder se belewenis van outisme vanuit 'n emosionele intelligensie-perspektief. Acta Academica, 45(3), 126-160.