Past and present ideologies in South African schooling: towards a framework of ethics

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Van Niekerk, Petro
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University of the Free State
English: A general climate of inertia, low teacher morale and a lack of accountability are dominant features of the current South African education system. This article argues that the root cause of the problem lies in underlying entrenched mindsets and attitudes derived from ideologies and value systems. An in-depth investigation of past and present ideologies revealed mindsets such as a culture of entitlement and a victim mentality directly related to a lack of accountability. This article aims to inform and empower educators to become change agents in their classrooms. It is recommended that a framework of ethics be adopted by all stakeholders in education to make a difference to education and society.
Afrikaans: ’n Algemene klimaat van passiwiteit, ’n gebrek aan motivering by onderwysers en ’n tekort aan verantwoordbaarheid by talle onderwysowerhede is kenmerkend van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel. In hierdie artikel word geargumenteer dat die hoofoorsaak van die probleem geleë is in onderliggende denkpatrone en gesindhede wat voortspruit uit ideologieë en waardestelsels. Navorsing oor pre-demokratiese en huidige waardestelsels bevestig dat ’n kultuur van verontregting en “entitlement” verband hou met die gebrek aan verantwoordbaarheid by onderwysowerhede. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om onderwysers te bemagtig om as agente van verandering in hul klaskamers op te tree. ’n Etiese raamwerk wat deur alle rolspelers in die onderwys aanvaar en geleef word, word aanbeveel.
Teachers, Morale, Ideologies, Value systems, Ethics
Van Niekerk, P. (2012). Past and present ideologies in South African schooling: towards a framework of ethics. Acta Academica, 44(4), 134-162.