Bushman (San) influence on Zulu place names

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Raper, Peter E.
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University of the Free State
English: The study is of concern to any reader interested in the development of indigenous South African languages and peoples, academics specialising in onomastics and all related disciplines, and politicians who take decisions on name changes. It would be advisable to give the study greater publicity in, for example, the cultural societies of the Bushmen (San) and the provincial and national Place Name Committees, rather than only in academic circles. The study fills a large gap in the understanding of the role of the Bushmen in the history of South Africa. It is a pioneering work with information that threatened to disappear into archives along with the results of earlier researchers. However, this information is presented in a new manner to recognise and preserve the cultural heritage of the Bushmen. The overwhelming phonetic data are presented systematically and with care in order to explain transfer, translation and tautological patterns. The reliability of the conclusion reached at each name that is discussed rests on the recognised onomastic technique followed by tracing the original meanings of each name. This technique enables one to determine whether there was a correlation between the toponymic motive or transfer and translation. This led to various explanations by taking into account folk etymological and oral transfer in the origins of the names. The sources used were indispensable and form the basis of the arguments. The contribution is a culmination of many years’ research in the field of Bushman culture. Knowledge of the complex Bushman language (which the author has) is not essential in order to appreciate its value. The scientific and academic merits of the study are reflected in the processing and analysis of the data at each name, resulting in a meaningful and elucidating conclusion (Reviewer 1: my translation, PER).
Afrikaans: Die studie raak enige leser wat belang het by die ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrikaanse inheemse tale en volke, akademici wat spesialiseer in onomastiek en alle verwante dissiplines, en politici wat besluite neem oor naamsveranderings. Dit sal goed wees om die studie groter publisiteit te gee as net in akademiese kringe, byvoorbeeld die kultuurorganisasies van die Boesmans (San) en Pleknaamkomitees, provinsiaal sowel as nasionaal. Die studie vul ’n groot leemte in die begrip van die rol van die Boesman in Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis. Dit is baanbrekerswerk met inligting wat saam met vroeëre navorsers se resultate gedreig het om in argiewe te verdwyn, maar op ’n nuwe manier aangebied word om die kulturele erfenis van die Boesman te erken en te bewaar. Die oorweldigende fonetiese data word stelselmatig en met sorg aangebied om oordrag, vertaling en toutologiese patrone te verklaar. Die betroubaarheid van die slotsom by elke naam wat bespreek is, berus op die erkende onomastiektegnieke wat gevolg is deur die oorspronklike betekenisse van elke naam na te speur. Die tegniek maak dit moontlik om vas te stel of daar ooreenstemming tussen die toponimiese motief of oordrag en vertaling betrokke was. Sodoende is verskillende verklarings moontlik gemaak deur volksetimologiese en mondelinge oordrag in ag te neem by die herkoms van die name. Die bronne wat gebruik is, was onmisbaar en vorm die basis van die argumente. Die bydrae is ’n samevatting van soveel jare se navorsing op die terrein van Boesmankultuur. Kennis van die ingewikkelde Boesmantaal (soos wat die outeur het) is nie noodsaaklik om die waarde hiervan te besef nie. Die wetenskaplike en akademiese meriete van die study word gereflekteer in die prosessering en analise van die data by elke naam wat tot ’n sinvolle en verhelderende slotsom lei (Keurder 1).
Bushman, San, Zulu, Place names, Translations
Raper, P. E. (2012). Bushman (San) influence on Zulu place names. Acta Academica: Supplementum 2, 1-185.