Meeting the social and emotional needs of first-year mathematics students through peer-tutoring

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Maitland, Irene
Lemmer, Eleanor
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University of the Free State
English: Academic under-performance among first-year university students calls for effective support systems. In this regard, a peer tutor-mentor programme was introduced at a private university in South Africa to improve the academic outcomes of vulnerable first-year mathematics students enrolled in an academic development programme. This article examines the influence of peer tutor-mentoring through a qualitative inquiry framed by a bricolage of learning theories. Data gathered from a comprehensive sample of students, tutor-mentors and lecturers indicate that the programme assists students’ social adjustment in a multicultural setting; that cultural diversity among tutor-mentors is both a barrier and a resource, and that positive campus perceptions of the programme are essential to its continuation, thus forging a new community of mathematics practitioners.
Afrikaans: Akademiese onderprestasie van eerstejaar-universiteitstudente vra vir doel-treffende ondersteuningstelsels. In hierdie opsig is ’n portuur-tutor-mentor-program by ’n privaat universiteit in Suid-Afrika bekendgestel om die akademiese uitkomste van kwesbare eerstejaarstudente in wiskunde wat vir ’n akademiese ontwikkelingsprogram ingeskryf is, te verbeter. Hierdie artikel bestudeer die invloed van tutors se leiding deur ’n kwalitatiewe navraag wat deur ’n bricolage van leerteorieë omring is. Data uit ’n omvattende steekproef van studente, tutor-mentors en dosente versamel dui daarop dat die programme studente help met hul sosiale aanpassing in ’n multikulturele omgewing; dat kulturele diversiteit tussen tutor-mentors beide ’n hindernis en ’n hulpbron is; en dat positiewe kampuspersepsies van die program noodsaaklik is vir die volhouding daarvan. Dit vorm dus ’n nuwe gemeenskap van wiskundepraktisyns.
Mathematics, First-year students, Tutoring
Maitland, I., & Lemmer, E. (2011). Meeting the social and emotional needs of first-year mathematics students through peer-tutoring. Acta Academica, 43(4), 127-151.