Challenges to parental involvement in school governance

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Naong, Matsidiso
Morolong, Itumeleng
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University of the Free State
English: Many parents find it difficult to embrace their governance role within public schools, with the exception of those within elementary schools. Despite the intention of the South African Schools Act of 1996 to change this situation, some primary schools reported a mixed-bag of responses regarding parental involvement in school governance. This article reveals that “young to middle-aged” parents display immense energy, inquisitiveness, and a desire to lead and be involved, while their older counterparts still accept and respect the unfolding of events at school without question.
Afrikaans: Baie ouers vind dit moeilik om hul bestuursrol binne openbare skole aan te gryp met uitsondering van ouers in aanvangsonderrigskole. Ten spyte van die poging van die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet van 1996 om die situasie te verander, verklaar sommige primêre skole ’n mengelmoes van reaksies aangaande ouers se betrokkenheid in die bestuur van skole. Die artikel toon dat “jonger tot middeljarige” ouers baie energie en nuuskierigheid vertoon en ’n behoefte het om leiding te gee en betrokke te wees, terwyl hul ouer eweknieë steeds net die gebeure by die skool sonder enige bevraagtekening aanvaar en respekteer.
Parental involvement, School governance, South African Schools Act 84 of 1996
Naong, M., & Morolong, I. (2011). Challenges to parental involvement in school governance. Acta Academica, 43(2), 236-263.