Another look at ‘Khoikhoi’ and related ethnonyms

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Raper, Peter E.
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University of the Free State
English: The nomadic pastoralists formerly called “Hottentots” are today known as the Khoikhoi, a term also encountered as Khoekhoe, often abbreviated as Khoe. The name, said to be derived from the words khoi (khoe) “person” and khoin (khoen) “people”, is variously interpreted as “people of people”, “the best people”, “people of pure race”, “excellent people”, “our people”, “people of our group”, among others. Early forms of the name indicate that the two components of the ethnonym are not identical, and that the first contains a click, thus casting doubt on the given interpretations. This article proposes an interpretation based on definitions of words in Van Riebeeck’s Diary. Variant forms Khoikhoi(n), Khoekhoe(n) and Quena are discussed, as well as a number of ethnonyms that mean “mountain people”.
Afrikaans: Die nomadiese herders wat vroeër “Hottentotte” genoem is, staan ook bekend as Khoikhoi, ’n term wat dikwels as Khoekhoe aangetref word, soms afgekort tot Khoe. Volgens sommige is die naam afgelei van khoi (khoe) “mens” and khoin (khoen) “mense”, vertolk as “mens van mense”, “die beste mense”, “mense van suiwer afkoms”, “uitstekende mense”, “ons mense”, “mense van ons groep”, ensovoorts. Vroeë optekeninge wys dat die twee komponente van die naam nie identies is nie en dat die eerste ’n klapklank bevat, wat twyfel op die gegewe vertolkings werp. ’n Verklaring word voorgestel op grond van definisies van woorde in Van Riebeeck se Dagboek. Afwisselende vorme Khoikhoi(n), Khoekhoe(n) en Quena word bespreek, sowel as ’n aantal stamname wat “bergmense” beteken.
Ethnonyms, Khoekhoe, Khoikho, Hottentots, Mountain people
Raper, P. E. (2011). Another look at 'Khoikhoi ' and related ethnonyms. Acta Academica, 43(1), 109-129.