Socio-demographic profile and travel behaviour of biltong hunters in South Africa

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Van der Merwe, Peet
Saayman, Melville
Warren, Retha
Krugell, Waldo
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University of the Free State
English: This article examines the socio-demographic characteristics and travel behaviour of biltong hunters in South Africa. It attempts to determine the relationship between these factors and local tourist expenditure. In order to achieve the goal, a survey was conducted among members of the three main South African hunting associations. The behavioural variables that exerted the greatest influence on hunter expenditure were the number of hunting trips per year and the length of stay at a hunting destination. The contribution of the research is primarily, that from a methodological point of view, it was the first time that a more advanced statistical analysis has been applied to data concerning biltong hunting in South Africa, and secondly, findings will assist game-farm owners to market and develop their products in order to attract the higher spending market.
Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel ondersoek die sosiodemografiese eienskappe en reisgedrag van biltongjagters in Suid-Afrika. Daar word gepoog om die verhouding tussen hierdie faktore en die plaaslike toeriste-besteding te bepaal. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, is ’n opname onder die lede van die drie vernaamste Suid-Afrikaanse jagverenigings uitgevoer. Die gedragsveranderlikes wat die grootste invloed op die jag-ervaring uitgeoefen het, was die aantal jaguitstappies per jaar en die lengte van verblyf by ’n jag-bestemming. Die bydrae van hierdie navorsing is primêr, gesien uit metodologiese oogpunt, dat dit die eerste keer is dat meer gevorderde statistiese analises toegepas is rakende biltongjagdata in Suid-Afrika en tweedens, sal die bevindinge van waarde wees vir wildplaaseienaars in produkontwikkeling om sodoende die hoogste bestedingsmark te bereik.
Biltong, Behaviour of hunters, Socio-demographics, Hunters in South Africa, Hunting
Van Der Merwe, P., Saayman, M., Warren, R., & Krugell, W. (2010). Socio-demographic profile and travel behaviour of biltong hunters in South Africa. Acta Academica, 42(3), 61-85.