The ‘good enough’ doctorate: doctoral learning journeys

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Wisker, Gina
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University of the Free State
English: In the context of growing postgraduate numbers, this article focuses on key questions concerning the quality and nature of the PhD by questioning how one can identify what constitutes a “good enough PhD”. Building on international research and a large British National teaching fellowship funded project “Doctoral learning journeys”, it suggests that key quality features include research design, development and final thesis which evidence conceptual, critical and creative enough work. Research and the article consider ways in which strategies, practices and performance help students engage with research to such a doctoral level, as well as develop their practice beyond the PhD itself to help build sustainable research communities.
Afrikaans: Binne die konteks van toenemende getalle nagraadse studente fokus hierdie artikel op sleutelvrae oor die gehalte en aard van die PhD deur te vra hoe ’n mens ’n PhD kan identifiseer wat “toereikend” is. In aansluiting by internasionale navorsing en ’n projek “Doctoral learning journeys” wat deur ’n groot nasionale onderrignavorsingsbeurs in Brittanje befonds is, word voorgestel dat sleutelgehalte-kenmerke die navorsingsontwerp, -ontwikkeling en finale tesis insluit. Bewys moet gelewer word van bevredigende werk op konseptuele, kritiese en kreatiewe vlak. Maniere word ondersoek waardeur strategieë, praktyke en prestasie studente kan help om tot op doktorale vlak met navorsing om te gaan, asook om hulle praktyk te ontwikkel sodat dit ná die PhD tot die ontwikkeling van volhoubare navorsingsgemeenskappe kan bydra.
Postgraduate research, Doctoral students
Wisker, G. (2010). The'good enough'doctorate: doctoral learning journeys. Acta Academica: Postgraduate supervision: research and practice: Supplementum 1, 223-242.