Multiple marriages, burial rights and the role of lobolo at the dissolution of the marriage

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Jansen, R-M.
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Faculty of Law, University of the Free State
English: This paper highlights three aspects which have an impact on both customary and common law that came to the fore in the Thembisile case. An evaluation of the way in which the court dealt with the different aspects is made. Regarding multiple marriages, where a civil marriage is also involved, it is suggested that the courts should be hesitant to simply declare either the civil or the customary marriage a nullity and should consider the different options available first. Where a funeral is marred by feuds about burial rights, it is suggested that a flexible approach should be followed. Strict adherence to common law principles could lead to unreasonable and inequitable results, especially in traditional communities. Lastly, there seems to be conflict between the official customary law and the living law regarding the return of the lobolo at the dissolution of a customary marriage. Empirical research should be undertaken to determine whether lobolo is in fact still returned
Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel beklemtoon drie aspekte van belang vir beide die inheemse- en die gemenereg wat in die Thembisile-saak ter sprake gekom het. 'n Evaluering van die wyse waarop die hof die verskillende aangeleenthede hanteer het, word gedoen. Met betrekking tot veelvuldige huwelike, waar 'n siviele huwelik ook betrokke is, word daar aan die hand gedoen dat die howe huiwerig behoort te wees om summier of die siviele of die gebruiklike huwelik nietig te verklaar alvorens die verskillende opsies oorweeg is. Waar 'n begrafnis ontsier word deur twis oor wie die reg het om te begrawe, word aan die hand gedoen dat 'n soepel benadering gevolg moet word. Streng navolging van gemeenregtelike beginsels kan tot onredelike en onregverdige gevolge lei, veral in tradisionele gemeenskappe. Laastens, bleik dit asof daar konflik tussen die amptelike inheemse reg en die "living law" is met betrekking tot die teruggawe van lobolo by die ontbinding van die gebruiklike huwelik. Empiriese navorsing behoort gedoen te word om vas te stel of lobolo steeds feitelik teruggegee word.
Jansen, R. M. (2003). Multiple marriages, burial rights and the role of lobolo at the dissolution of the marriage. Journal for Juridical Science, 28(1), 120-132.