Louw, D. A.Louw, A. E.Kigozi, Nanteza Gladys2015-09-022015-09-022006-052006-052006-05http://hdl.handle.net/11660/1120English: The development of adolescent risk-taking behaviour has been attributed to various factors, including the influence of parents. The present study sought to explore the impact of the relationship between black parents and their adolescents on the latters’ sexual behaviour. More than 500 male and female adolescents completed the Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire (PCRQ; Furman, 1991) and a self-report sexual practices questionnaire. Results showed no significant correlation between the variables. However, gender differences were established regarding two relationship dimensions, namely power assertion and possessiveness. More specifically, significantly more female than male adolescents reported that their parents exerted stringent and restricting control. Concerning overall sexual activity, boys were found to be significantly more sexually active than girls. This could be ascribed to cultural-societal norms concerning the rearing of the two genders. Limitations of the study (e.g. generalisability) are discussed and recommendations given. In order to determine the effect of sex education on the sexual behaviour of black adolescents, 512 male and female participants completed the Sex Education Inventory and Sexual Practices Questionnaire. Results showed that female participants preferred their mothers as sex educators. Males had no significant preference, except concerning vaginal sexual activity where they preferred their fathers as the source of information. Mothers also actually provided sex-related information to significantly more female than male participants. On the whole, it seems that parents continue to play an important part as far as adolescent sex-education is concerned. However, the role played by fathers in providing sex-related information still remains relatively minimal. Concerning other sources of sex-related information, participants indicated significant preference for the media and trained counsellors. Two factors, namely gender and the participants’ type of sexual activity, influenced preference for these. Findings on sexual behaviour as such showed that the majority of participants were sexually active. The prevalence of oral and anal sexual activities was relatively high. Recommendations are made to improve sex education campaigns, for example, that the focus should also be on other sexual activities besides the traditional vaginal.Afrikaans: Die ontwikkeling van adolessente risikogedrag word aan verskeie faktore, insluitend die invloed van die ouers, toegeskryf. Die doel van die huidige studie is om die impak van die verhouding tussen swart ouers en hulle adolessente op laasgenoemde se seksuele gedrag, te ondersoek. Meer as 500 deelnemers het die Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire (PCRQ, Furman, 1991) en ‘n selfbeskrywende vraelys oor adolessente seksuele praktyke voltooi. Die resultate het egter geen betekenisvolle korrelasie tussen die veranderlikes aangedui nie. Geslagsverskille het egter ten opsigte van twee verhoudingsdimensies voorgekom, naamlik magshandhawing en besitlikheid. Meer spesifiek het betekenisvol meer vroue- as mansadolessente gerapporteer dat hul ouers streng en beperkende beheer oor hulle uitgeoefen het. Wat algemene seksuele aktiwiteite betref, is gevind dat mans adolessente meer seksueel aktief is as vroue-adolessente. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan die kulturele en gemeenskapsnorms rakende die opvoeding van die twee geslagte. Tekortkominge van die studie (bv. veralgemeenbaarheid) word bespreek en aanbevelings word gedoen.enTeenagers -- Sexual behavior -- South AfricaAdolescent psychology -- South AfricaInterpersonal relations -- South AfricaParent-adolescent relationshipAdolescent sexual behaviourDissertation (M.Sc. (Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2006The correlation between certain interpersonal relationships and the risky sexual behaviour of urban black adolescentsDissertationUniversity of the Free State