Phimister, I. R.Cohen, A. P.Passemiers, Lazlo Patrick Christian2016-11-242016-11-242016-02 On 30 June 1960, the Belgian Congo gained independence. Congo’s newfound freedom was soon disrupted by a period of severe socio-political chaos and conflict that became known as the ‘Congo crisis’. The exact nature of the relationship between South Africa and the Congo crisis largely remains unknown. The thesis addresses this historiographical omission by asking three main questions. First, how was South Africa involved in the Congo crisis? Secondly, what was the rationale for its involvement? Thirdly, how was the Congo crisis perceived inside South Africa? Besides significantly strengthening and expanding the existing historiography on Pretoria’s involvement and South African mercenaries, hitherto neglected aspects of the crisis are also examined. These include an analysis of white refugees who fled from Congo to South Africa; the Pan Africanist Congress’ and South West African People’s Organisation’s involvement in the ‘Congo alliance’; and the views and opinions of South Africans from across the racial and political spectrum on the Congo crisis. The primary material used in this study consists of archival sources in South Africa, Belgium, Britain, and the United States. This material is complimented by South African newspapers and periodicals, as well as oral interviews. The Congo was of considerable importance to South Africa. Not only was it a central part of Pretoria’s foreign policy, it also influenced the exile politics of South Africa’s nationalist movements. In addition, it influenced South African perceptions of its own turbulent socio-political changes, as well as the political transformation of the African continent. The Congo crisis was used and abused by both proponents and opponents of apartheid South Africa in pursuit of their objectives. South Africa’s relationship with the Congo crisis altered its internal and external politics during the first half of the 1960s. The scope of this thesis aligns itself with research on Southern African dynamics of the Cold War and African decolonisation, as well as South African foreign policy and Southern African liberation movements. It makes a significant contribution to the historiography on foreign interference in the Congo crisis, particularly the involvement of Southern African states.Afrikaans: Op 30 Junie 1960 verwerf die Belgiese Kongo onafhanklikheid. Hierdie nuutgevonde vryheid word egter gou deur ‘n tydperk van ernstige sosio-politieke chaos en konflik, wat as the ‘Kongo-krisis’ bekend word, ontwrig. Die presiese aard van die verhouding tussen Suid-Afrika en die Kongo-krisis is steeds grootliks onbekend. Hierdie studie stel drie vrae om hierdie historiografiese leemte aan te spreek. Ten eerste, wat was die aard van Suid-Afrika se betrokkenheid by die Kongo-krisis? Ten tweede, wat was die beweegrede vir hierdie betrokkenheid? Ten derde, hoe is die Kongo-krisis binne Suid-Afrika waargeneem? Naas ‘n betekenisvolle uitbreiding van die historiografie, spreek hierdie ondersoek ook aspekte van die krisis aan wat voorheen nagelaat is. Dit sluit in: ‘n ontleding van wit vlugtelinge uit die Kongo na Suid-Afrika; die betrokkenheid van die Pan Africanist Congress en South West African People’s Organisation in die sogenaamde ‘Kongo-bondgenootskap’; en Suid-Afrikaners van alle rasse en politieke oortuigings se sieninge en opinies oor die Kongo-krisis. Hierdie ondersoek maak van primêre materiaal in die vorm van argivale bronne uit Suid-Afrika, België, Brittanje en die Verenigde State van Amerika gebruik. Hierdie materiaal word deur Suid-Afrikaanse koerante en joernale, asook mondelinge onderhoude, aangevul. Die Kongo was geweldig belangrik vir Suid-Afrika. Dit het ‘n belangrike komponent van Pretoria se buitelandse beleid gevorm, en het ook die ballingskappolitiek van Suid-Afrika se nasionalistiese bewegings beïnvloed. Daarbenewens het dit ook Suid-Afrika se waarneming van sy eie onstuimige sosio-politieke veranderinge, asook die politieke transformasie van die Afrika-kontinent, help vorm. Die Kongo-krisis is deur voor- en teenstanders van apartheid Suid-Afrika gebruik en misbruik om hulle eie doestellings na te jaag en ideologieë te verdedig. Suid-Afrika se verhouding tot die Kongo-krisis het die land se interne en eksterne politiek gedurende die eerste helfde van die 1960s verander. Hierdie ondersoek sluit aan by navorsing oor die dinamika van die Koue Oorlog in Suider-Afrika en die dekolonisasie van Afrika, asook Suid-Afrikaanse buitelandse beleid en Suider-Afrikaanse vryheidsbewegings. Dit lewer ‘n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die historiografie van buitelandse inmenging in die Kongo-krisis, veral met betrekking tot die betrokkenheid van Suider-Afrikaanse state.enSouth AfricaSouthern AfricaCongoKatangaCold warMercenariesRefugeesPan African CongressSouth West African People's OrganisationThesis (Ph.D. (Centre for Africa Studies))--University of the Free State, 2016South Africa and the 'Congo Crisis', 1960-1965ThesisUniversity of the Free State