Verster, BasieHauptfleisch, Dries2017-09-182017-09-182009Verster, B., & Hauptfleisch, D. (2009). Education, training and mentorship in pursuit of maturity in quantity surveying. Acta Structilia: Journal for the Physical and Development Sciences, 16(1), 121-142.1023-0564 (print)2415-0487 (online) The aim of this article is to determine whether professional quantity surveying firms are ready to meet the challenges facing them in respect of their responsibility towards the changing professional environment in terms of standards, education, professional development and training. Analysing the maturity of firms may assist the quantity surveying profession to establish its position and strategies. Results on project management maturity in South Africa, based on a research project conducted by the University of the Free State, in conjunction with the Wirtschafts Universität in Vienna in 2006 forms the basis of the article as well as the development of an education, training, mentorship and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) model to promote quantity surveying professional maturity. Training in the quantity surveying profession in pursuit of maturity and excellence should focus on core functions of the quantity surveyor; competence required for registration; the expected services or outcomes that the profession believes it should be able to offer the market, and narrowing the gap between academic and experiential learning components by encouraging professionals to enhance their skills through CPD. Generating standards, following the accreditation policy of the South African Council for the Quantity Surveying Profession (SACQSP) and research facilitation were found to be important aspects for education in the quantity surveying profession in pursuit of maturity and excellence. A structured mentorship programme that addresses proactive development towards maturity should be introduced for the profession. The Education, Training, Mentorship and CPD model to achieve quantity surveying professional maturity, developed by one of the authors, may assist in bridging the gap between the providers of formal education and the providers of quantity surveying service to clients towards professional maturity.Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie artikel is om vas te stel of professionele bourekenaarfirmas gereed is om die uitdagings aan te pak in terme van die verantwoordelikheid wat hulle het teenoor die veranderende professionele omgewing van standaarde, onderrig, professionele ontwikkeling en opleiding. Analisering in die bourekenaarprofessie mag firmas help om hul posisie en strategieë in terme van volwassenheid vas te stel. Resultate verkry van ’n studie oor projekbestuurvolwassenheid gedoen deur die Universiteit van die Vrystaat in samewerking met die Wirtschafts Universität in Vienna in 2006 vorm die basis van die artikel asook die ontwikkeling van ’n onderrig, opleiding, mentorskap en voortgesette ontwikkeling model om bourekenaar professionele volwassenheid te bevorder. Opleiding in die bourekenaarprofessie in die strewe na volwassenheid en uitnemendheid behoort te fokus op kernfunksies van die bourekenaar; bevoegdheid vereis vir registrasie; die verwagte dienste en uitkomste wat die professie glo hulle aan die mark behoort te lewer en die vernouing van die gaping tussen akademie en indiensopleiding komponente deur professionele persone aan te moedig om hulle vaardighede deur voorgesette professionele ontwikkeling te verhoog. Generering van standaarde, gevolg deur die akkreditasie beleid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad vir die Bourekenaarsprofessie en navorsing fasiliteite is belangrike aspekte vir onderrig in die bourekenaarsprofessie in die strewe na volwassenheid en uitnemendheid. ’n Gestruktureerde mentorskapprogram wat proaktiewe ontwikkeling teenoor volwassenheid aanspreek, behoort aan die professie bekendgestel te word. Die Onderrig, Opleiding, Mentorskap en VPO model om bourekenaar professionele volwassenheid te behaal, wat deur een van die outeurs ontwikkel is, mag help om die gaping tussen die verskaffers van formele onderrig en die verskaffers van bourekenaar dienste aan kliënte te vernou.enEducationTrainingDevelopmentMaturityQuantity surveying professionEducation, training and mentorship in pursuit of maturity in quantity surveyingArticleUniversity of the Free State