Swarts, J. C.Koortzen, Johannes Gerhardus2017-05-082017-05-082001-11http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6186English: The aim of this study was to develop a new technique to clean the total factory generated wastewater as seen in the light of the background given in Chapter 1. It was decided to develop a material that would enable an industry to complex sodium cautions from a contaminated source, and to release the complexed sodium cautions, under controlled conditions, at a previously determined site, or receiving reservoir, in a cyclic manner. For this reason, 32 different functionalised crown ether derivatives were synthesised to produce a series of 17 new crown ether derivatives, including 4 carboxylic acid, 4 amide, 4 alcohol and 4 amine crown ether derivatives, with spacer ranging from one to four carbon atoms in the side chain that separate the functional group from the crown ether moiety. Selected crown ether functionalised derivatives was anchored on polymeric supports and their sodium caution complexation ability was determined. Twenty (20) polymeric carriers were also synthesised. These include the synthesis of 12 new water-soluble polyaspartamide derivatives as well as 5 new polyepichlorohydrin water-insoluble derivatives. The experimental procedures for the synthesis of the water-soluble polymers could be tuned to achieve exact ratios between polymer anchored crown ethers and several other polymer side chains containing functional groups. The carboxylic acid derivatives could be anchored to the water-soluble polymer and this reaction could be tuned to achieve 100 % coupling, with the use of the coupling reagent O-benzotriazolyl-N,N,N',N'- tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate. An elastomeric solid support was also synthesised by the curing of hydroxy terminated polybutadiene with isophorone diisocyanate. It was also demonstrated that crown ether derivatives and/or polymeric carriers could be anchored onto this elastomeric solid support, with or without the use of a spacer between the elastomeric solid support and the crown ether. Several new elastomeric solid supports containing crown ethers were synthesised. Complexation studies of Na+ dissolved in an aqueous phase by crown ether functionalised elastomeric solid supports were demonstrated, and it was found that 1.28 g Na+ I m2 surface area of the sodium caution scavenging device could be removed. Acid media was used to accomplish the release of the Na+ from this elastomeric solid support, and it was found that 0.65 g Na+ I m2 surface area of the sodium caution scavenging device could be released.Afrikaans: Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n nuwe tegniek te onwikkel om die totale fabrieks afval water te suiwer, soos gesien teen die agterdrond gegee in Hoofstuk 1. Daar is besluit om 'n materiaal te ontwikkel wat In industrie in staat sou stelom natrium katione op 'n sikliese manier vanuit 'n gekontamineerde bron te verwyder, en om die gekomplekseerde natrium katione weer vry te stel, onder gekontrolleerde kondisies, op 'n voorafbepaalde plek. Vir hierdie doel is 32 verskillende gefunksionaliseerde kroon eter derivate gesintetiseer, om 'n reeks van 17 nuwe kroon eter derivate te gee, wat insluit 4 karbosiel suur, 4 amied, 4 alkohol en 4 amien kroon eter derivate, met tussen een en vier koolstof atome in die sy-ketting tussen die funksionele groep en die kroon eter fragment. Geselekteerde kroon eter gefunksionaliseerde derivate is op polimere geanker en hulle natrium katioon komplekserings vermoeƫ is bepaal. Twintig (20) polimeriese draers is ook gesintetiseer. Dit sluit in die sintese van 12 nuwe wateroplosbare poliaspartamied derivate, asook die sintese van 5 nuwe poliepichlorohydrien wateronoplosbare derivate. Die eksperimentele prosedures tydens die sintese van die wateroplosbare polimere kon so ontwikkel word om eksakte verhoudings tussen die kroon eters en ander funksionele groepe op die polimere te verskaf. Die karboksiel suur derivate kon aan die wateroplosbare polymeer geanker word, en hierdie reaksie is ontwikkel om 100 % koppeling te verkry, deur gebruik te maak van die koppelings reagens O-bensotriasolyl-N, N, N', N'-tetrametiel uron ium heksafl uorofosfaat. 'n Elastomeriese vaste ondersteuningspolimeer is gesintetiseer deur die kuring van hidroksie getermineerde polibutadieen met isoforoon diisosianaat. Hier is ook gedemonstreer dat kroon eter derivate en/of polimeriese draers aan hierdie elastomeriese vaste ondersteuning geanker kan word, met of sonder die gebruik van koppelstukke tussen die elastomeries vaste ondersteuningspolimeer en die kroon eters. Verskeie nuwe elastomeriese vaste ondersteuningspolimere wat kroon eters bevat is gesintetiseer. xxiv OPSOMMING Die Na+ verwyderings vermoeƫ van hierdie gesintetiseerde elastomeriese vaste ondersteuningspolimere is ook ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat 1.28 9 Na+ / m2 natrium-katioon-verwyderingstoestel uit In waterige fase verwyder kon word. In Suur medium is gebruik om die gekomplekseerde Na+ vanuit die elastomeriese vaste ondersteuningspolimeer vry te stel. Daar is gevind dat 0.65 9 Na+ / m2 natrium-katioon-verwyderingspolimeer vry gestel kon word.enAlcoholCarboxylic acidAmide and amine functionalised benzo-15-crown-5Benzo-15-crown-5Hydroxy terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)PolyaspartamidePolyepichlorohydrinCrown ethers -- SynthesisFactory and trade waste -- PurificationSewage -- PurificationThesis (Ph.D. (Chemistry))--University of the Free State, 2001A new method to remove and recover contaminating sodium salts from industrial wastewater utilising polymer-bound crown ethersThesisUniversity of the Free State