Le Roux, A.Van Rooyen, Hylma2017-03-232017-03-232002-11http://hdl.handle.net/11660/5981English: Lifestyles and interpersonal relationships have changed around the world, including South Africa. There has been a decline of marriage rates, a postponement of marriage, and an increase in the cohabitation and divorce rates. Not only has there been a change in lifestyles, but also in the norms and rules regarding behavior that is perceived as appropriate. These tendencies lead to the fear that the institution of marriage was disintegrating. Seen in the light of these changes, the focus of this research was to determine which factors are the best predictors of students' attitudes towards marriage. This research was conducted amongst young adult students of both genders, and different ethnic groups, ages, year groups, and faculties of the University of the Free State. To determine which factors were the best predictors of students' attitudes towards marriage, the following variables were included: 1. Biographical information: • Gender • Ethnic group • Age • Academic status • Marriage status • Parents' marriage status • The quality of the parents' relationship • Conflict in the family • Religious affiliation • Participation in religious activities 2. Attitudes towards cohabitation • The students had positive attitudes towards marriage and negative attitudes towards cohabitation. • It was computed with multiple regression that all the variables predicted 24.23% of the total variance of students' attitudes towards marriage. • Five significant predictors were identified, namely the participation in religious activities, attitudes towards cohabitation, ethnic group, conflict in the family and gender. • The more students participated in religious activities, the more positive their attitudes were towards marriage and the more negative their attitudes were towards cohabitation. • The more positive the students' attitudes towards cohabitation were, the more negative their attitudes were towards marriage. • White students' attitudes towards marriage were more positive than those held by black students, while black students had more positive attitudes towards cohabitation. • Increased family conflict lead to students' attitudes towards marriage being more negative and their attitudes towards cohabitation being more positive. • Men had more positive attitudes than females towards marriage as well as cohabitation. These results indicate that, due to positive attitudes towards marriage amongst young adults, the institution of marriage is alive and well.Afrikaans: Lewenstyle en interpersoonlike verhoudings het reg oor die wêreld heen, insluitend Suid- Afrika, dramaties verander. Daar was 'n afname in huwelikskoerse, 'n toename in saamwoonverhoudings en 'n toename in die ouderdom waarop daar vir die eerste keer in die huwelik getree is. Nog 'n tendens wat aangetref is, is die toename in egskeidings. Dit is egter nie net die vestiging van interpersoonlike verhoudings wat verander het nie, maar ook die samelewing se norme en reëls aangaande die lewenstyle. Daar was 'n uitbreiding van die gedrag wat as aanvaarbaar beskou is. Al hierdie faktore het tot die vrees gelei dat die huwelik se dae getel is. Aan die hand van die veranderings wat plaasgevind het, is daar in hierdie navors11lg ondersoek ingestel na die faktore wat jong volwassenes se houdings teenoor die huwelik voorspel. Die navorsing is op jong volwasse studente van verskillende geslagte, etniese groepe, ouderdomme, jaargroepe en fakulteite van die Univcrsiteit van die Vrystaat gedoen. Die volgende voorspellerveranderlikes is in die navorsing ingesluit: 1. Biografiese gegewens: • Geslag • Etniese groep • Ouderdom • Akademiese status • Huwelikstatus van studente • Ouers se huwelikstatus • Kwaliteit van die ouers se verhouding • Gesinskonflik • Godsdienstige oortuiging • Deelname aan godsdienstige aktiwiteite 2. Houdings teenoor saamwoon Drie verskillende vraelyste (Biografiese Vraelys, Houding teenoor die Huwelik Vraelys en Houding teenoor Saamwoon Vraelys) is by 409 proefpersone afgeneem. Na aanleiding van die resultate is daar tot die volgende slotsom gekom: • Studente het positiewe houdings teenoor die huwelik en negatiewe houdings teenoor saamwoon. • Daar is met behulp van meervoudige regressie-ontledings bepaal dat al die voorspellers 24.23% van die variansie van studente se houdings teenoor die huwelik verklaar. • Daar is vyf beduidende voorspellerveranderlikes geïdentifiseer wat studente se houdings teenoor die huwelik voorspel, naamlik deelname aan godsdienstige aktiwiteite, houdings teenoor saamwoon, etniese groep, gesinskonflik en geslag. • Hoe meer studente aan godsdienstige aktiwiteite deelneem, hoe meer positief is hul houdings teenoor die huwelik en hoe minder positief is hul houdings teenoor saamwoon. • Hoe meer positief studente se houdings teenoor saamwoon IS, hoe minder positief is hul houdings teenoor die huwelik en omgekeerd. • Wit studente het positiewer houdings teenoor die huwelik as swart studente, terwyl swart studente positiewer houdings teenoor saamwoon as wit studente het. • Hoe meer gesinskonflik voorkom, hoe minder positief is die studente se houdings teenoor die huwelik en hoe positiewer is hul houdings teenoor saamwoon. Hoe minder die gesinskonflik is, hoe positiewer is hul houdings teenoor die huwelik en hoe minder positief is hul houdings teenoor saamwoon. • Mans het positiewer houdings teenoor saamwoon en die huwelik as vroue. Uit al hierdie resultate wil dit voorkom of die huwelik se dae nie getel is nie, aangesien jong volwassenes steeds positiewe houdings teenoor die huwelik het.afMarriage -- Psychological aspectsCollege students -- South Africa -- AttitudesDissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Clinical Psychology))--University of the Free State, 2002'n Kruiskulturele ondersoek na voorspellers van jong volwasse studente se houdings teenoor die huwelikDissertationUniversity of the Free State