Maritz, TinusSchutte, Andries2017-09-182017-09-182009Maritz, T., & Schutte, A. (2009). The calculation of acceleration costs on construction projects. Acta Structilia: Journal for the Physical and Development Sciences, 16(2), 86-102.1023-0564 (print)2415-0487 (online) A lack of understanding often exists between contractors, client organisations and consultants as to what may, and what may not, be included in acceleration claims on construction projects. The aim of this article is to create a better understanding of the complexity of acceleration claims. It should also lead to new insights into claim procedures and the substantiation of acceleration costs. The impacts and delays which may result in acceleration claims on a project were analysed as they form the basis for establishing liability in terms of a particular contract. Matters of principle that are applicable to acceleration claims, regardless of the form of contract recommended for use in the South African construction industry, were also examined. The findings indicate that there are significant differences on a number of aspects regarding the calculation of acceleration costs on construction projects between contractors, consultants and employers/developers. The majority of the respondents, however, were of the opinion that of the various methods used for calculating acceleration costs, the time impact analysis is most frequently applied, but that the modified total cost approach is the method most suitable on projects where there is a significant increase in the scope of work, something that occurs regularly on construction projects.Afrikaans: Daar is dikwels onsekerheid by aannemers, kliënte-organisasies en konsultante oor wat mag, en wat mag nie, in versnellingseise op konstruksieprojekte ingesluit word. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om ’n beter begrip rakende die kompleksiteit van versnellingseise te bewerkstellig. Die artikel behoort ook te lei tot nuwe insigte oor die prosedures vir eise en die substansiëring van versnellingskoste. Die oorsake en vertragings wat aanleiding gee tot versnelling op ’n projek is ontleed aangesien dit die grondslag vir die bepaling van aanspreeklikheid ingevolge ’n spesifieke kontrak vorm. Belangrike prinsipiële aspekte wat op versnellingseise betrekking het, ongeag die kontrakvorm wat in die SuidAfrikaanse konstruksiebedryf vir gebruik aanbeveel word, is verder ondersoek. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat daar tussen aannemers, konsultante en kliënte/ ontwikkelaars aansienlike verskille op verskeie aspekte bestaan met betrekking tot die berekening van versnellingskoste op konstruksieprojekte. Meeste respondente was egter van mening dat die “time impact analysis”-benadering die meeste toegepas word, maar dat die “modified total cost”-benadering die mees geskikte metode is op projekte waar daar ’n beduidende toename in die omvang van werk is, iets wat dikwels op konstruksieprojekte voorkom.enConstructionDelaysAccelerationClaimsFloatCritical pathThe calculation of acceleration costs on construction projectsArticleUniversity of the Free State