Van Niekerk, EldridgeDube, Wilhelminah2016-06-142016-06-142011Van Niekerk, E., & Dube, W. (2011). The inadequate induction of novice educators: a leadership failure?. Acta Academica, 43(3), 243-265.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) A model of long-term leadership is used as a conceptual tool to analyse qualitative data from an investigation into the induction of novice educators conducted in Community Junior Secondary Schools in Gaborone, Botswana. It is argued that the inadequate induction of novice educators reflects a failure of school leadership. Interview data are presented on features of induction programmes and the degree of support rendered to novices by relevant role players. The article concludes with a critical appraisal of the leadership inadequacies regarding the induction of novices.Afrikaans: ’n Model van langtermyn leierskap word as ’n konseptuele instrument gebruik in die analise van kwalitatiewe data verkry uit ’n ondersoek na die induksie van beginneropvoeders in Community Junior Secondary Schools in Gaborone, Botswana. Daar word geargumenteer dat die onvoldoende induksie van beginneropvoeders ’n leierskapstekortkoming op skoolvlak reflekteer. Data word aangebied uit onderhoude oor kenmerke van induksieprogramme en die mate van steun gelewer deur relevante rolspelers. Ten slotte volg ’n kritiese beoordeling van leierskapstekorte in die induksie van beginneropvoeders.enInduction programmesTeachersSchool leadershipBotswanaThe inadequate induction of novice educators: a leadership failure?ArticleUniversity of the Free State