Chetty, K.Govindjee, A.2016-05-192016-05-192014Chetty, K., & Govindjee, A. (2014). Freedom of religion of children in private schools. Journal for Juridical Science, 39(1), 31-59.0258-252X (print)2415-0517 (online) This article argues against the interpretation that the right to establish private schools includes the right to require religious conformity from non-adherent learners by way of a waiver of their religious freedom. Despite the importance of respecting the rights of religious communities to protect and preserve their faith in private schools, it is submitted that this right cannot be exercised without regard for the religious freedom, dignity and best interests of non-adherent children. As a result, it is submitted that the waiver of the freedom of religion of non-adherent children is not consistent with the values which South African society reveres and, therefore, cannot be enforced. This article suggests that there is a way for the rights of private schools and the rights of the non-adherent child to co-exist in harmony through the application of the reasonable accommodation principle in private schools.Afrikaans: Hierdie artikel voer aan dat die reg om privaatskole te stig, nie die reg insluit om by wyse van afstanddoening van hul godsdiensvryheid, godsdienstige nakoming te vereis van leerlinge wat nie navolgers is nie. Ten spyte van die belangrikheid daarvan om die regte van godsdienstige gemeenskappe te respekteer om hul geloof in privaatskole te beskerm en te behou, word dit aan die hand gedoen dat hierdie reg nie uitgeoefen kan word sonder om ag te slaan op die godsdiensvryheid, waardigheid en beste belang van kinders wat nie navolgers is nie. Gevolglik word dit aan die hand gedoen dat afstanddoening van godsdiensvryheid deur kinders wat nie navolgers is nie, nie ooreenstem met die waardes wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap eerbiedig word nie, en nie afgedwing kan word nie. Hierdie artikel betoog dat daar ruimte is vir die regte van privaatskole en die regte van kinders wat nie navolgers is nie, om in harmonie naas mekaar te bestaan deur die toepassing van die beginsel van redelike tegemoetkomendheid in privaatskole.enFreedom of religionPrivate schoolsFreedom of religion of children in private schoolsArticle