Wilkinson, AnnetteWilkinson, LiezelNel, Guillaume2017-09-132017-09-132001Wilkinson, A., Wilkinson, L., & Nel, G. (2001). Balancing quality and access in online education. Acta Academica, 33(2), 127-145.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online)http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6876English: The new information communication technologies offer exciting new possibilities for online/Web-based education. Two factors have come to be viewed as central to assuring quality in this type of education, viz the availability of adequate infrastructure and the development of effective mechanisms for evaluating the quality of education. Clear standards can certainly provide a basis for quality practice. The critical issue, however, seems to be the inaccessibility of advanced communication technologies to many potential learners. In these circumstances it is of the utmost importance to achieve a balance between accessibility and quality.Afrikaans: Die nuwe inligtingskommunikasietegnologieë het opwindende nuwe geleenthede vir netwerkgerigte afstandsonderwys geskep. Twee uiters belangrike aspekte kom egter na vore wanneer gehalteversekering van hierdie tipe onderwys ter sprake kom, naamlik die toeganklikheid tot die nodige infrastruktuur sowel as die ontwikkeling van effektiewe meganismes waamee die onderrigkwaliteit geëvalueer kan word. Die formulering van duidelike standaarde kan sekerlik die basis van goeie onderrigpraktyk vorm. Die mees kritieke vraagstuk is egter die ontoeganklikheid tot gevorderde kommunikasietegnologieë van baie potensiële leerders. In hierdie omstandighede kan die verkryging van ewewig tussen toeganklikheid en gehalte as van die uiterste belang geag word.enOnline/Web-based educationOnline educatorsOnline teaching and learningOnline distance educationOnline lecturesSuccessful learningBalancing quality and access in online educationArticleUniversity of the Free State