Brokensha, S. I.Conradie, M. S.2016-11-282016-11-282009-05 The following dissertation reports on a research study of the lifestyle magazines For Him Magazine and Cosmopolitan. Quantitative and qualitative methods were combined in an investigation of linguistic patterns which serve to construct a particular perspective on masculinity and femininity. The quantitative analyses focused on identifying patterns in the distribution and connotation of various words. The qualitative analyses focused on various grammatical and semantic features in specific articles of both magazines. The results suggest that both magazines tend to hone masculinity and femininity to certain subjects and descriptions. Cosmopolitan, however, might be characterised by a slightly more flexible discourse. In addition, this study also contains suggestions on how research of this nature may be incorporated into an academic course for students of Applied Linguistics.Afrikaans: Die volgende navorsingstuk rapporteer die resultate van ‘n projek aangaande die diskoerskenmerke van die leefstyl-tydskrifte Cosmopolitan en For Him Magazine. Die studie kombineer kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes, met die oog op die ondersoek van linguistiese patrone wat gebruik word om ‘n spesifieke perspektief op manlikheid en vroulikeheid te skep. Die kwantitatiewe metodes het gefokus op die verspreiding en konnotasie van verskeie woorde. Die kwalitatiewe metodes het gefokus op verskeie grammatiese en semantiese patrone in spesifieke artikels van beide tydskrifte. Die resultate stel voor dat beide tydskrifte ‘n noue perspektief op manlikheid en vroulikheid skep, deur te konsentreer op spesifieke belangstellings en beskrywings. Nie te min, blyk dit wel dat Cosmopolitan deur ‘n meer buigsame diskoers gekenmerk word. Verder mik hierdie navorsingstuk ook om voorstelle te bied oor maniere hoe navorsing van hierdie aard geïnkorporeer kan word in ‘n akademiese kursus vir studente in Toegepaste Linguistiek.enDissertation (M.A. (English))--University of the Free State, 2009Women's periodicalsMen's magazinesDiscourse analysis -- PeriodicalsMasculinityFemininityGlossy mags and the sexes: a critical discourse analysis of FHM and CosmoDissertationUniversity of the Free State