Jita, L. C.Makaye, Jeriphanos2016-03-012016-03-012015-07http://hdl.handle.net/11660/2361English: Inter-school collaborations or clustering has a long history, dating back to the 1940s in Nepal and Great Britain and it has spread across many parts of the world. Zimbabwe is no exception to this trend of adopting inter-school collaborations as a reform strategy for improving teaching and learning in schools. This innovation, which was initially meant to bring together disadvantaged rural schools, has spread to include urban schools. Despite its promise, however, the utility of clusters or inter-school collaborations in terms of improving the quality and efficacy of teaching and learning remains a matter of scholarly debate and inquiry. The present study adds insights to the debates on the utility of clusters for improving teaching and learning in schools. The efforts to improve teaching and learning in schools are what this study defines as instructional leadership. Whilst many studies have been conducted to understand instructional leadership practices at either the school or district levels, very few of these studies have explored instructional leadership within a school collaborative or cluster specifically. This study took the challenge by exploring whether and how the Better Schools Programme of Zimbabwe (BSPZ), an example of a school cluster or collaborative, serves as a site for instructional leadership for the participating schools and teachers. The investigation took a pragmatic stance and adopted a mixed methods approach in order to take advantage of the strengths of both the qualitative and quantitative approaches. Using a multiple case study of four BSPZ clusters in the Masvingo district of Zimbabwe, the study employed a sequential explanatory mixed methods design where a sample of 101 participants responded to a questionnaire on the range and depth of instructional leadership practices and artefacts that are used by their clusters, as well as their perspectives on the utility of clusters for improving teaching and learning. In the qualitative phase of the study, purposively selected groups of participants that included two heads of school (or principals), two teacher leaders and two ordinary class teachers from two of the selected clusters were interviewed and observed. The qualitative phase was designed to confirm the participants’ perspectives and get an inside picture of how instructional leadership operates in practice within the clusters. The study has established that school clusters do carry out some activities that qualify to be classified as instructional leadership for the teachers in the participating schools. The drive for the instructional leadership programme of the clusters, however, is very moderate at best, and considerably weak in terms of its conception and influence on teaching and learning in schools. The dominant practices of instructional leadership at the cluster level include the administration of cluster tests, supervision of classes, as well as the conduct of some professional development workshops for the teachers. Significantly, the study also established that instructional leadership within the clusters is sometimes distributed, albeit by default, to include teacher leaders and other non-formal school leaders. The incentives for participation in general and for leadership of teaching and learning within the clusters are rather poor to non-existent, something that needs the urgent attention of educational leaders and policymakers in Zimbabwe. The study concludes by arguing that school clusters, especially the BSPZ clusters, are in a relatively good position to provide opportunities for instructional leadership to schools and teachers even though it is inevitable that their leadership activities will vary based on the will and capacity of each cluster. The study thus recommends the involvement of local school authorities, such as districts and provincial authorities in providing much needed support to ensure effective instructional leadership within the school clusters. Further research on the agendas of school clusters and how they are carried out in different contexts (and countries) is needed in order to understand how it may be possible to institutionalise instructional leadership practices within such school collaboratives or clusters.Afrikaans: Interskoolsamewerking of -groepering het 'n lang geskiedenis en dateer uit die 1940's in Nepal en Groot Brittanje en dit het oor talle dele van die wêreld versprei. Zimbabwe is geen uitsondering tot hierdie tendens van die gebruik van interskoolsamewerking as 'n hervormingstrategie om onderrig en leer in skole te verbeter nie. Hierdie innovasie, wat aanvanklik bedoel is om agtergeblewe landelike skole saam te bring, het versprei om stedelike skole in te sluit. Ten spyte van 'n belowende begin, bly die bruikbaarheid van groepe of interskoolsamewerking in terme van die verbetering van die gehalte en doeltreffendheid van onderrig en leer 'n kwessie van akademiese debat en ondersoek. Hierdie studie voeg insig tot die debat oor die bruikbaarheid van groepe vir die verbetering van onderrig en leer in skole. Hierdie studie definieer pogings om onderrig en leer in skole te verbeter as onderrigleierskap. Terwyl talle studies al uitgevoer is om onderrigleierskappraktyke op beide die skool- en distrikvlakke te begryp, het baie min van hierdie studies onderrigleierskap spesifiek binne 'n skoolkoöperasie of skoolgroep ondersoek. Hierdie studie het die uitdaging aangepak deur te verken of die Beter Skole-program van Zimbabwe (BSPZ), 'n voorbeeld van 'n skoolgroep- of koöperasie, dien as 'n terrein vir onderrigleierskap vir die deelnemende skole en onderwysers. Die ondersoek het 'n pragmatiese standpunt ingeneem en 'n benadering van gemengde metodes gebruik om die sterkpunte van die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe benaderings te benut. Met die gebruik van 'n gevallestudie van vier BSPZ-groepe in die Masvingo-distrik van Zimbabwe het die studie 'n opvolgende verduidelikende gemengde metodes-ontwerp gebruik, waarin 'n steekproef van 101 deelnemers 'n vraelys beantwoord het oor die omvang en diepte van onderrigleierskapspraktyke en -artefakte wat deur hul groepe gebruik word, asook hul perspektiewe op die bruikbaarheid van groepe vir die verbetering van onderrig en leer. In die kwalitatiewe fase van die studie is groepe deelnemers doelbewus gekies wat bestaan het uit twee skoolhoofde, twee onderwyserleiers en twee gewone klasonderwysers van twee van die geselekteerde groepe. Hulle is ondervra en waargeneem. Die kwalitatiewe fase is ontwerp om by die deelnemers se perspektiewe te pas en 'n binneprent van hoe instruksionele leierskap in die praktyk binne die groepe werk, te verskaf. Die studie het vasgestel dat skoolgroepe van die aktiwiteite uitvoer wat kwalifiseer om gesklassifiseer te word as onderrigleierskap vir die onderwysers in die deelnemende skole. Die dryfkrag agter die onderrigleierskapprogram van die groepe is egter ten beste matig, en opmerklik swak in terme van konsepsie en invloed op onderrig en leer in skole. Die dominante praktyke van instruksionele leierskap op die groepvlak sluit in die administrasie van groeptoetse, toesig van klasse, asook die uitvoer van professionele ontwikkelingswerksessies vir onderwysers. Dit is belangrik dat die studie ook vasgestel het dat onderrigleierskap binne die groepe soms by verstek onderwyserleiers en ander nieamptelike skoolleiers insluit. Die aansporing vir deelname oor die algemeen en vir leierskap van onderrig en leer binne die groepe is ietwat swak tot nie-bestaande, iets wat dringend aandag van onderwysleiers en beleidmakers in Zimbabwe verg. Die studie sluit af met die argument dat skoolgroepe, veral die BSPZ-groepe, in 'n redelik goeie posisie is om geleenthede vir onderrigleierskap aan skole en onderwysers te verskaf, al is dit onafwendbaar dat hul leierskapaktiwiteite sal wissel, afhangende van die wilskrag en kapasiteit van elke groep. Hierdie studie beveel die betrokkenheid van plaaslike skoolowerhede aan, soos distriks- en provinsiale owerhede, om broodnodige ondersteuning te verskaf om effektiewe onderrigleierskap binne die skoolgroepe te verseker. Verdere navorsing oor die agendas van skoolgroepe en hoe hulle in verskillende kontekste (en lande) uitgevoer word, is nodig om te verstaan hoe dit moontlik mag wees om onderrigleierskappraktyke binne sulke skoolkoöperasies of -groepe te institusionaliseer.enBetter Schools Programme of Zimbabwe (BSPZ)School clustersInstructional leadershipDistributed leadershipArtefacts for leadershipThesis (Ph.D. (Education))--University of the Free State, 2015School improvement programs -- ZimbabweSchool management and organization -- ZimbabweSchool clusters as sites for instructional leadership: a case of the better schools programme of ZimbabweThesisUniversity of the Free State