Strauss, Danie2017-09-062017-09-062005Strauss, D. (2005). Discerning similarities: concept and word at the intersection of analogy and metaphor. Acta Academica, 37(2), 1-20.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online) uniquely human abilities to analyse (in the sense of “distinguish” as well as “identify”) and to signify make possible the complex phenomena known to us as concepts and words. In debate with the theory of “conceptual metaphor” as developed by Lakoff and Johnson and with the earlier ideas of Cassirer, Rickert and Reichling, this article sets out to clarify the connections between the logical-analytical and the sign modes of reality. This approach proceeds from the ontological distinction between modes of being and concrete entities and actions. Although any concrete act of thinking or speaking functions in principle at once within the logical-analytical and the lingual aspects, this does not resolve the problem of the order relation between these two aspects, and more refined arguments are required.Afrikaans: Die unieke menslike vermoëns om te analiseer (identifiseer en onderskei) en om te beteken maak die komplekse verskynsels moontlik wat bekend staan as konsepte en woorde. Met hierdie artikel word beoog om — in gesprek met die resente teorie van “konseptuele metafoor” soos ontwikkel deur Lakoff en Johnson en met die vroeëre idees van Cassirer, Rickert and Reichling — tot groter duidelikheid te kom insake die verhouding tussen die logies-analitiese en die tekenaspekte van die werklikheid. Die invalshoek wat benut word gaan uit van die ontologiese onderskeiding tussen bestaanswyses en konkrete entiteite en handelinge. Hoewel enige konkrete denk- of taalhandeling in beginsel tegelyk in die logies-analitiese en linguale aspekte funksioneer, slaag die blote konstatering van hierdie feit nog nie daarin om die gestelde problem op te los nie. Meer gesofistikeerde argumente word benodig.enConceptual metaphorSimilaritiesFundamental similarityDifferencesDiscerning similarities: concept and word at the intersection of analogy and metaphorArticleUniverstiy of the Free State