Du Toit, Gawie2016-06-132016-06-132011Du Toit, G. (2011). Conceptualising the re-design of the curriculum for teacher education. Acta Academica, 43(3), 107-131.0587-2405 (print)2415-0479 (online)http://hdl.handle.net/11660/2813English: Over the past few years the HEQC audited higher education institutions and evaluated various programmes presented at these institutions. The Bachelors in Education degree (BEd) was one of the programmes evaluated at the majority of these institutions. Explicit levels of progression linked to theoretical depth, articulation between modules and overlapping, coherence of programmes to a shared vision, and alignment in modules were some of the typical areas of concern raised in the evaluation of some of these programmes. The main aim of this article is to conceptualise from a “pure” curriculum perspective a teacher education programme that is fostered within a theoretical framework. A further aim is to design BEd programmes, in order to address the challenges of education in South Africa. An inductive qualitative approach is used to facilitate the achievement of these aims.Afrikaans: In die afgelope jare het die HOKR hoëronderwysinstellings geoudit en verskeie programme van die instellings geëvalueer. Die Baccalaureusgraad in Opvoedkunde (BEd) was een van die programme wat by die meeste instellings geëvalueer is. Duidelike vlakke van progressie gekoppel aan teoretiese diepte, artikulasie tussen modules en oorvleueling, hoe programme aan ’n gedeelde visie getrou gebly het, en belyning van modules was sommige van die tipiese gebiede van bekommernis in die evaluering van spesifieke programme. Die hoofdoelstelling met hierdie artikel is die konseptualisering van ’n onderwysersopvoedingsprogram vanuit ’n “suiwer” kurrikulum perspektief. ’n Verdere doelstelling is die ontwerp van BEdprogramme ten einde die uitdagings in die onderwys in Suid-Afrika aan te spreek. ’n Induktiewe kwalitatiewe benadering is gebruik om die bereiking van hierdie doelstellings te fasiliteer.enCurriculaBachelors in Education degreeTeacher education programmesConceptualising the re-design of the curriculum for teacher educationArticleUniversity of the Free State