Hauptfleisch, Dries2017-09-142017-09-142008Hauptfleisch, D. (2008). Facilities management: an analysis of evolving educational needs in a developing profession. Acta Structilia: Journal for the Physical and Development Sciences, 15(1), 133-141.1023-0564 (print)2415-0487 (online)http://hdl.handle.net/11660/6898English: Internationally the development of property, being part of the creation of fixed investment and wealth, is taking place unabated. The absence of a universally acknowledged profession, designated to manage and optimise the utilisation of the ever compounding fixed investments in the products of the collective built environment (buildings, engineering structures and infrastructure), is observed. In practice it manifests itself in the attempts, by various professions and others, to cast themselves into the role of facilities managers. The problem at hand is to extract, from the present practice of facilities management, a knowledge profile and secondly to contextualise the results in terms of other applicable managerial concepts. The main objective is to structure a tertiary education programme. There are reasons to believe that facilities management is in the process of becoming a driving force, not only in the scientific management and optimisation of fixed assets, but as an initiator of development in the built environment. A literature study was undertaken to make an overview analysis and a limited statistical sample was made regarding the views of practising delegates attending continuing education short training courses in facilities management. The outcomes indicate some consistent omissions in the literature, while the views of practitioners contribute to form an overview.Afrikaans: Internasionaal vind eiendomsontwikkeling, as voertuig vir die skep van vasteinvestering en welvaart, onverpoosd plaas. Die afwesigheid van ’n universele erkende professie, aangewese om die groeiende vaste-investering produkte van die kollektiewe bou-omgewing (geboue, ingenieurstrukture en infrastruktuur) te bestuur en te optimiseer, is opvallend. In praktyk word dit gemanifesteer deurdat verskeie professies en andere, hulself in die rol van fasiliteitbestuurders bevind. Die probleem ter sake is om uit huidige fasiliteitbestuurpraktyke ’n kennisprofiel saam te stel en tweedens, die resultate daarvan binne konteks van ander toepaslike bestuurskonsepte te plaas. Die hoof oogmerk is om struktuur te verleen aan ’n tersiêre onderwysprogram. Daar is rede om te glo dat fasiliteitbestuur in die proses is om ’n dryfveer te word, nie net ten aansien van die wetenskaplike bestuur van, en optimisering van vaste-investering nie, maar as inisieerder van ontwikkeling in die bou-omgewing. ’n Literatuurstudie is onderneem om oorkoepelende waarnemings in dié verband te maak en ’n beperkte statistiese opname is gemaak aangaande die sienswyses van praktisyns tydens deelname aan voortgesette onderwys kortkursusse in fasiliteitbestuur. Die uitkoms van voorgaande dui op konsekwente onderbeklemtoning van sekere aspekte in die literatuur, terwyl die sienswyses van praktisyns ’n bydrae lewer om ’n oorsigtelike beeld daar te stel.enFacilities managementKnowledge profileManagerial conceptsBuilt environmentFacilities management: an analysis of evolving educational needs in a developing professionArticleUniversity of the Free State