Mukwada, G.Moeletsi, M. E.Matela, Thabo Elias2017-10-042017-10-042015-06 A research study on vulnerability and adaptation to climate variability was conducted among emerging farmers in Tshiame Ward of Maluti-A-Phofung Municipality in the Free State Province of South Africa. The research aim was to assess the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate variability and to identify the adaptation measures that emerging farmers use to cope with the problem. Primary data was collected by means of a semi-structured questionnaire to 19 farmers in the Ward. The data were captured and analysed using SPSS, to obtain the frequency tables. Microsoft Excel 2007 was used for statistical analysis and to plot the regression graphs while the Instat Software was used in the analysis of climate data to determine the dry spells, onset and offset of dates and the calculation of the Crop Performance Indices. The analysis revealed that farmers regard climate variability as a phenomenon taking place in Tshiame Ward. When farmers were asked about the cause of climate variability, some were unsure about their own answers though many of them were able to relate their answers to what is happening in their immediate environment. In order to cope with the impact of climate variability, farmers in Tshiame Ward have adopted a number of practices such as the use of drought and heat tolerant seeds and mixed cropping systems. These practices are based on the already existing knowledge as well as the perceived changes in climatic conditions. The statistical analysis of climate data revealed that some of the views held by some farmers‟ regarding climate variability are in contrast with the results shown by the analysis. The study concludes that the farmers who were able to perceive the change that is taking place in their environment were better able to implement effective adaptation measures and were consequently better-able to sustain their agricultural operations. The fact that farmers were aware or familiar with climate variability, as well as its associated impact can be related to the ongoing project that is being undertaken by Agricultural Research Council, where weather stations have been installed on farms in order to develop the capacity to monitor climate variability in the area.Afrikaans: 'N Navorsingstudie oor kwesbaarheid en aanpassing by klimaatsverandering veranderlikheid is gedoen onder opkomende boere in Tshiame Wyk van Maluti-a-Phofung-munisipaliteit in die Vrystaat Provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Die navorsing doel was om die kwesbaarheid van landboustelsels klimaat variasie te bepaal en om die aanpassing maatreëls wat opkomende boere gebruik om te gaan met die probleem te identifiseer. Primêre data is ingesamel deur middel van 'n semi gestruktureerde vraelys tot 19 boere in die wyk. Die data is gevange geneem en ontleed met behulp van SPSS, die frekwensietabelle te verkry. Microsoft Excel 2007 gebruik is vir statistiese analise en om die regressie grafieke te plot terwyl die INSTAT sagteware in die ontleding van die klimaat data is gebruik om die droë tye, begin bepaal en geneutraliseer van datums en die berekening van die gewas Performance indekse. Die ontleding het getoon dat boere beskou klimaat variasie as 'n verskynsel wat plaasvind in Tshiame Wyk. Wanneer boere is gevra oor die oorsaak van die klimaat variasie, sommige was onseker oor hul eie antwoorde alhoewel daar baie van hulle in staat was om hul antwoorde betrekking het op wat gebeur in hul onmiddellike omgewing. Ten einde te gaan met die impak van klimaat variasie, het boere in Tshiame Wyk 'n aantal praktyke aangeneem soos die gebruik van droogte en hitte verdraagsaam sade en gemengde verbouing stelsels. Hierdie praktyke is gebaseer op die reeds bestaande kennis sowel as die vermeende veranderinge in klimaatstoestande. Die statistiese ontleding van klimaat data aan die lig gebring dat sommige van die standpunte wat deur sommige boere se met betrekking tot klimaat variasie is in teenstelling met die vertoon van die resultate van die analise. Die studie tot die gevolgtrekking dat die boere wat in staat is om die verandering wat plaasvind in hul omgewing sien was, was beter in staat om effektiewe aanpassing maatreëls te implementeer en was gevolglik beter in staat is om hul landbou-bedrywighede in stand te hou. Die feit dat boere bewus of vertroud is met die klimaat variasie, sowel as die gepaardgaande impak kan verband hou met die deurlopende projek wat tans deur Landbounavorsingsraad, waar weerstasies het op plase geïnstalleer word ten einde die kapasiteit om te monitor ontwikkel onderneem was klimaat variasie in die gebied.enClimate variabilityAdaptation optionsCrop performance indexTemperatureRainfallEmerging farmersAgricultureTshiame WardClimatic changes -- South Africa -- Free StateDissertation (M.Sc. (Geography))--University of the Free State (Qwaqwa Campus), 2015.Vulnerability and adaptation to climate variability: a case study of emerging farmers in the eastern Free State, South AfricaDissertationUniversity of the Free State, Qwaqwa Campus