Janse van Rensburg, J.Stoltz, Paul Stefanus2018-05-182018-05-182001-06http://hdl.handle.net/11660/8308English: The gospel is not centered at the heart of the faithcommuni ty of the Dutch Reformed Church in Botswana. Traditional processes such as contextualization, indigenization and adaptation are partly responsible for this situation. Inculturation is the most suitable process whereby the gospel message could be taken to the heart of the Christian community. An inculturated view of the church implies that church and gospel should be intertwined with one another. From this basis the conclusion has been reached that the traditional church models (metaphors) as well as the Independent Church model were not able to take the gospel to the heart of the believer. The influence of Black theology, African theology as well as the traditional African religions can be regarded as prepaeratio evangelica, yet one should be watchful for syncretism and spiritism. Traditional practices are still acti ve under the name of immorality, visitation of traditional healers and a culture of funerals. This has lead to a spiritually-weakened church. An incul turated model of ministry for the Dutch Reformed Church in Botswana has surfaced from the Cellchurch-model. This model, which is built on the basic social system of the Tswana culture, is inculturated in such a way that every aspect of the faith-community will be been addressed. From this flows an inculturated service, pastoral model as well as a model for inner-city ministry.Afrikaans: Die evangelie is nie werklik tot in die hart van die geloofsgemeenskap in die Dutch Reformed Church in Botswana gevestig nie. Tradisionele prosesse soos kontekstualisering, inheemswording en aanpassing is grootliks hiervoor verantwoordelik. Die proses waardeur die evangelie werklik tot die hart van die geloofsgemeenskap gevoer kan word lê in die begrip inkulturasie gesetel. 'n Geïnkultureerde kerkbegrip veronderstel verder dat kerk en kultuur ineengeweef sal wees met mekaar. Hiervolgens is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat tradisionele kerkmodelle (metafore), asook die Onafhanklike Kerk-model, nie werklik daarin slaag om die evangelie tot in die hart van die geloofsgemeenskap te kan voer nie. Die invloed van die Swart Teologie, Afrika-teologie en tradisionele Afrika-godsdienste kan wel as preaparatio evangelica tot die daarstelling van 'n geïnkul tureerde bedieningsmodel bes kou word. Tog moet daar veral gewaak word teen sinkretisme en spiritisme. Tradisionele praktyke is aangepas en word steeds beoefen by name van immorali teit, besoeke aan tradisionele genesers en 'n "begrafnis-tradisie". 'n Geestelik-verswakte geloofsgemeenskap is die resultaat hiervan. 'n Geïnkultureerde bedieningsmodel vir gemeentes van die Dutch Reformed Church in Botswana word vervolgens vanuit die selgemeente-model voorgestel. Hierdie model, wat eie is aan die tradisionele sosiale sisteem van die Tswana-kultuur, word op so 'n wyse geïnkultureer dat dit elke deel van die geloofsgemeenskap sal aanspreek. Hierui t word 'n geïnkultureerde erediens, pastorale model asook 'n model vir stadsgemeentes daargestel.afInculturationTswana-cultureDutch Reformed Church in BotswanaChurch models (metaphors)Control modelCell churchPastoral modelWorshipPractical theological ecclesiologyTraditional African religionsThesis (Ph.D. (Practical Theology))--University of the Free State, 2001'n Geïnkultureerde bedieningsmodel vir gemeentes van die Dutch Reformed Church in BotswanaThesisUniversity of the Free State