Van der Merwe Louw, S.Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S.Lotz, Leon Nico2015-09-222015-09-221995-111995-111995-11 The southern African representatives of Cheiracanthium C.L. Koch, 1839 are revised after examining 617 adult specimens. Eight species of Cheiracanthium are recognized from this region, four are new (C. dippenaarae, C. minshullae, C. presleyensis and C. slziluvanensis) and four are redescribed (C. africanum Lessert, 1921, C. furculatum Karsch, 1879, C. imbel/e Caporiacco, 1947 and C. vansoni Lawrence, 1936). Eleven species are synonymized (C. franganilloi Caporiacco, 1949 and C. nigropalpatum Schmidt & Jacque, 1983 = C. africanum Lessert, 1921; C. kiwunum Strand, 1915, C. mohasicum Strand, 1915, C. hoggi Lessert, 1921, C. natalense Lessert, 1923, C. castum Lawrence, 1927, C. lawrencei Roewer, 1951, C. melanostomel/um Roewer 1951 and C. melanostomellum caboverdense Schmidt & Piepho, 1994 = C. furculatum Karsch, 1879; C. nairobii Caporiacco, 1949 = C. imbel/e Caporiacco, 1947). The male of C. vansoni Lawrence, 1936 is described for the first time. Cheiracanthium hottentotum Strand, 1907 is considered a nomen dubium. The study resulted in the recognition of a new genus, Clzeiramiona, and this resulted in the transfer of six species (C. clavigerum Simon, 1897, C. filipes Simon, 1898, C. simplicitarse Simon, 1910, C. lzewitti Lessert, 1921, C. silvicolum Lawrence, 1938 and C. akermani Lawrence, 1942) to the new genus. keys are provided to the clubionid genera known from the Afrotropical Region as well as the Cheiracanthium species known from southern Africa. Distributional and habitat data are given for the eight Cheiracanthium species recorded from southern Africa. Medical and agricultural importance as well as relationships are also discused.Afrikaans: Die suider Afrika spesies van Cheiracanthium C.L. Koch, 1839 is hersien en hiervoor is 617 volwasse eksemplare ondersoek. Agt spesies van Cheiracanthium word erken uit hierdie streek, waarvan vier nuut is (C. dippenaarae, C. minshullae, C. presleyensis en C. shiluvanensis) en vier herbeskryf is (C. africanum Lessert, 1921, C. furculatum Karsch, 1879, C. imbelle Caporiacco, 1947 en C. vansoni Lawrence 1936). Elf spesies is gesinonimiseer (C. franganilloi Caporiacco, 1949 en C. nigropalpatum Schmidt & J ocque, 1983 = C. africanum Lessert, 1921; C. ldwunum Strand, 1915, C. mohasicum Strand, 1915, C. hoggi Lessert, 1921, C. natalense Lessert, 1923, C. castum Lawrence, 1927, C. lawrencei Roewer, 1951, C. melanostomellum Roewer 1951 en C. m. caboverdense Schmidt & Piepho, 1994 = C. furculatum Karsch, 1879; C. nairobii Caporiacco, 1949 = C. imbelle Caporiacco, 1947). Die mannetjie van C. vansoni Lawrence, 1936 is vir die eerste keer beskryf. Cheiracanthium hottentotum Strand, 1907 word as 'n nomen dubium beskou. 'n Nuwe genus, Cheiramiona, word beskryf en ses spesies hierheen oorgeplaas (C. clavigerum Simon, 1897, C. filipes Simon, 1898, C. simplicitarse Simon, 1910, C. hewitti Lessert, 1921, C. silvicolum Lawrence, 1938 en C. akennani Lawrence, 1942). 'n Sleutel word voorsien vir die clubionid genera bekend uit die Afrotropiese wyk, sowel as die suider Afrikaanse spesies van Cheiracanthium. Verspreiding en habitat data word voorsien en mediese en landboukundige belang en verwantskappe word bespreek vir die agt suider Afrikaanse spesies van Cheiracanthium.enDissertation (M.Sc.) - University of the Free State, 1995Clubionidae -- South AfricaSpiders -- South AfricaSystematicsClubionidaeAraneaeCheiramionaCheiracanthiumThe genus Cheiracanthium (Araneae: Clubionidae) in southern AfricaDissertationUniversity of the Free State