Du Plessis, M. J. M.Els, Johanna Susanna2018-01-242018-01-242010-09http://hdl.handle.net/11660/7703English: An amputation is a traumatic event which has far-reaching consequences. Persons with physical disabilities are of the most vulnerable in society. In the postmodern era discourse has evolved in which the empowerment of people with disabilities, has been emphasized. The influence of postmodern epistemology, constructivism and social constructionism, had contributed to the development of the narrative approach to therapeutic intervention. The narrative approach is based on the assumption that narratives are the constructions and frameworks of concepts and beliefs by which we interpret and understand our lives. The narrative approach provides possibilities to create new meanings and alternative stories and is therefore a preferred strategy for the treatment of amputees. The research is founded in the Christian worldview and the main features of a Christian anthropology. That implies the description of the role of Christianity in the historical origins of social work, the influence on social work principles and some implications for a Christian approach to social work practice. The social worker in a Provincial regional hospital is part of a multi-disciplinary team that offers rehabilitation to amputees. Rehabilitation services focus on the improvement of the mobility and independence of people with disabilities and aim to help the person to achieve the highest possible level of physical, psychological, spiritual and social functioning. Qualitative research, namely participatory action research according to the narrative approach, is followed. The objective is the active involvement of participants to tell their problem-saturated stories and narrate their feelings and experiences, in order to develop a program for social work intervention according to the Christian approach, to amputees. Participants included amputees, significant role players in their lives and the multi-disciplinary team of a Provincial regional hospital and the story telling contributed to the development of knowledge and certain actions to improve service delivery to amputees.Afrikaans: ‘n Amputasie is ‘n ingrypende gebeurtenis met verreikende gevolge en persone met fisiese gestremdhede is van die kwesbaarste persone in die samelewing. Fisiese gestremdheid word tydens die postmodernisme binne ‘n nuwe diskoers beredeneer en die bemagtiging van persone met amputasies word beklemtoon. Hierdie navorsing word begrond vanuit die Christelike mens- en wêreldbeskouing. Maatskaplike werk se ontwikkeling en beginsels toon ooreenkomste met die Christelike benadering tot hulpverlening, tog bestaan die behoefte aan die beskrywing van maatskaplike werk volgens die Christelike benadering. Die invloed van postmoderne epistemologieë, die konstruktiwisme en konstruksionisme, het neerslag gevind in terapeutiese benaderings. Die narratiewe werkswyse het hieruit ontwikkel en is gebaseer op die veronderstelling dat die mens se werklikheidskonstruksies in narratiewe uitgedruk word. Die narratiewe werkswyse het die potensiaal om gewenste narratiewe te ontwikkel, wat op persone met amputasies se sienings en voorkeure gebaseer is. Die hospitaal maatskaplike werker in ’n Provinsiale Streekshospitaal is deel van die multi-dissiplinêre span wat rehabilitasiedienste aan persone met amputasies lewer. Rehabilitasiedienste fokus op die behandeling van fisiese gestremdheid en om die betrokkenes te begelei om die hoogs moontlike vlak van fisiese, psigiese en sosiale funksionering te bereik. Kwalitatiewe navorsing, naamlik deelnemende-aksienavorsing volgens die narratiewe werkswyse word uitgevoer, met die doel om die deelnemers se narratiewe te beskryf en op grond daarvan ‘n program vir hospitaal maatskaplikewerkhulpverlening volgens die Christelike benadering vir persone met amputasies daar te stel. Deelnemers se storie vertelling het bygedra tot die ontwikkeling van kennis en aksies om dienslewering aan persone met amputasies te verbeter.afAmputationSocial work interventionSocial work assistanceNarrative approachNarrative therapyParticipatory action researchQualitative researchRehabilitationRehabilitation servicesAmputees -- RehabilitationSocial epistemologySocial problemsSocial work with people with disabilitiesNarrative therapyThesis (Ph.D. (Social Work))--University of the Free State, 2010Maatskaplikewerkhulpverlening volgens die narratiewe werkswyse aan persone wat 'n amputasie ondergaan hetThesisUniversity of the Free State