Lamprecht, Adriaan2018-03-072018-03-072001Lamprecht, A. (2001). Verb movement in Biblical Aramaic: word orders with ditransitive verbs. Acta Academice, Supplement, 131-155.2415-0479 (online)0587-2405 (print) word order of any sentence with a ditransitive verb will of necessity differ materially from word orders where the V is transitive or intransitive, due to the fact that the ditransitive verb has a twofold object. In this chapter the prevalence of an additional/second object position within the lexical domain is investigated. The functional domain has to be adapted to accommodate an additional AgrOP position in order to make provision for the licensing of an additional or second object.enBiblical AramaicVerbAramaic languageVerb movement in Biblical Aramaic: word orders with ditransitive verbsArticleUniversity of the Free State