Louw, D. A.Grobler, C. J. F.Duvenage, Minette2019-06-282019-06-281992-09http://hdl.handle.net/11660/9910English: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a bibliotherapeutic programme for hysterectomy patients. A hysterectomy might lead to post-operative psychological problems. From a literature study it was obvious that problems such as anxiety and depression might arise. During the experimental investigation done for the purpose of this study, 18 hysterectomy patients (the experimental group) were enrolled in a bibliotherapeutic programme. The control group (which also consisted of 18 hysterectomy patients) did not take part in the programme. The bibliotherapeutic programme comprised a printed information sheet (compiled specifically for hysterectomy patients) which was worked through and discussed with the patients on two or three occasions. Eight weeks after the operation both groups of patients completed a biographic questionaire, a self-evaluation questionaire, the IPAT anxiety scale and the Carroll depression scale. The Hamilton depression scale was completed by the researcher. The results clearly indicate that the patients in the experimental group were significantly less depressed and anxious than those in the control group. Moreover, a larger percentage of the patients in the experimental group were satisfied with the amount of information they had received, while fewer of the experimental subjects had questions regarding hormone treatment than members of the control group. The conclusion can therefore be reached that bibliotherapy has a positive influence on the post-operative adjustment of hysterectomy patientsAfrikaans: Met hierdie studie is gepoog om die doeltreffendheid van 'n biblioterapeutiese program op histerektomie-pasiënte te ondersoek. 'n Histerektomie kan aanleiding gee tot psigologiese probleme na die operasie. Uit 'n literatuurstudie is dit duidelik dat probleme soos angs en depressie kan ontstaan. Tydens die eksperimentele ondersoek van hierdie studie is 'n biblioterapeutiese program aan 18 histerektomie-pasiënte (die eksperimentele groep) aangebied. Die kontrolegroep (ook 18 histerektomie-pasiënte) het nie aan hierdie program deelgeneem nie. Die biblioterapeutiese program het behels dat 'n gedrukte inligtingstuk (wat spesifiek vir histerektomie-pasiënte saamgestel is) by twee of drie geleenthede met die pasiënt deurgegaan en bespreek is. Agt weke na die operasie het die pasiënte van albei groepe 'n biografiese vraelys, 'n selfevalueringsvraelys, die IPAT-angsskaal en die Carroll-depressieskaal voltooi. Die Hamilton-depressieskaal is deur die navorser voltooi. Uit die resultate blyk dit dat die proefpersone van die eksperimentele groepbeduidend minder depressief en angstig was as die proefpersone van die kontrolegroep. 'n Groter proporsie proefpersone van die eksperimentele groep was ook tevrede met die hoeveelheid inligting wat hulle ontvang het, terwyl minder proefpersone vrae insake hormoonbehandeling gehad het as die lede van die kontrolegroep. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat biblioterapie 'n positiewe invloed op die post-operatiewe aanpassing van histerektomie-pasiënte het.afDissertation (M.Soc.Sc. (Clinical Psychology))--University of the Free State, 1992UterusSurgeryPatientsRehabilitationHysterectomyBibliotherapyDie invloed van biblioterapie op die post-operatiewe aanpassing van histerektomie-pasiënteDissertationUniversity of the Free State