Barnard, Wilhelm2019-08-052019-08-051999Barnard, W. (1999). Die weg na 'n omgewingsgeografie. Acta Academica, 31(2), 131-161.2415-0479 (online)0587-2405 (print) While geography's organization in subdisciplines hardly changed since it was institutionalized as a university discipline during the 1880s, its struccure and research styles changed rapidly and fundamentally since 1960. These changes severely stressed physical geography, the traditional base of the discipline. Within geography the socalled quantification revolution of the 1960s alienated physical geography to such extent from the rest of the discipline that physical geographers failed to utilize the opportunities opened up from outside by the 'environmental turn' of the 1970s. At present the interests of physical geographers are accommodated within a new 'environmental geography' which is wider in domain and more flexible and permeable than its predecessor. This article orientates environmental geography in the world of science and suggests a framework for training in and the practice of environmental geography.Afrikaans: Terwyl geografie se organisasie in subdissiplines sedert die 1880s toe dit 'n universiteitsdissipline geword het feitlik onveranderd gebly het, het die dissipline- struktuur en navorsingstyle veral na 1960 vinnig en wesenlik verander. Die omwenteling het fisiese geografie, die tradisionele basis van die dissipline, onder druk geplaas. Binne geografie het die sg kwantifiseringsrevolusie van die 1960s fisiese geografie so van die res van die dissipline vervreem dat fisiese geograwe nie die geleenthede wat van buite die dissipline deur die omgewingsrevolusie van die 1970s geskep is, kon benut nie. Hul belangstellings word tans opgevang deur 'n nuwe, groeiende omgewingsgeografie wat ruimer, buigsamer en deurlaatbaarder as sy voorganger is. Die artikel orienteer omgewingsgeografie in die wereld van wetenskap en doen 'n raamwerk vir opleiding en beoefening aan die hand.afEnvironmental geographyDie weg na 'n omgewingsgeografieArticleUniversity of the Free State