Olivier, Bert2019-06-142019-06-142005Olivier, B. (2005). The contemporary context of relativity and relativism. Acta Academica, (Supplement 2), 73-104.0587 - 2405 (print)2415 - 0479 (online)http://hdl.handle.net/11660/9780English: In this paper an analogy is drawn between certain features of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity and the model of signification encountered in the work of the post-structuralists Lacan and Derrida. This analogy pivots on an achievement that is common to Einstein’s theory and the (post-)structuralist model of the sign, namely the subversion of the conceit of having access to something “absolute” — an “absolute” spatiotemporal vantage point in the case of Einstein, and “absolute” (immediate, fully present) meaning in the case of Derrida and Lacan. To be able to demonstrate this, the functionings of the structuralist “sign” and its radicalised post-structuralist counterpart are contrasted with the traditional referential model of meaning, while Einstein’s Special Theory is scrutinised with a view to establishing a basis for comparison with post-structuralist semiotics.Afrikaans: In hierdie artikel word betoog dat ’n analogie aangetoon kan word tussen Einstein se spesiale relatiwiteitsteorie en die betekenismodel wat by poststrukturaliste Lacan en Derrida aangetref word. Hierdie analogie berus op dit wat Einstein se teorie en die (post)strukturalistiese model van die teken met mekaar gemeen het, naamlik om die waandenkbeeld van menslike toegang tot iets “absoluuts” te ondergrawe — ’n “absolute” tydruimtelike oogpunt in die geval van Einstein, en “absolute” (onmiddel- like, volledig teenwoordige) betekenis in die geval van Derrida en Lacan. Ten einde dit te demonstreer, word die funksionering van die strukturalistiese “teken” asook die geradikaliseerde poststrukturalistiese weergawe daarvan met die tradisionele referen- siële betekenismodel gekontrasteer, terwyl Einstein se spesiale relatiwiteitsteorie onder die loep geneem word met die doel om ’n basis te vind vir ’n vergelyking met post- strukturalistiese semiotiek.enRelativityRelativismDerridaLacanEinstein’s Special Theory of RelativityThe contemporary context of relativity and relativismArticleUniversity of the Free State